Visualforce-3.变量和公式(Variables and Formulas)

1.全局变量和 Visualforce 表达式概述(Global Variables and Visualforce Expressions)

Visualforce 的表达式语法是:{! expression }

The expression syntax in Visualforce is: {! expression }

在渲染页面或使用值时,{! } 分隔符内的任何内容都会进行评估和动态替换。空格会被忽略。


Anything inside the {! } delimiters is evaluated and dynamically replaced when the page is rendered or when the value is used. Whitespace is ignored.

The resulting value can be a primitive (integer, string, and so on), a Boolean, an sObject, a controller method such as an action method, and other useful results.


2.全局变量(Global Variables)


  • 组织详情 ( $Organization)
  • 设置 ( $Setup)
  • 自定义对象详情 ( $ObjectType)
  • 对象可用操作 ( $Action)
  • ...

具体参照: Visualforce 全局变量引用


{! $GlobalName.fieldName }


    <apex:pageBlock title="User Status">
        <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
            {! $User.FirstName } {! $User.LastName }
            {! $User.FirstName & ' ' & $User.LastName }
            {! $User.Username }
            ({! IF($User.isActive, $User.Username, 'inactive') })


{! ...} 告知 Visualforce 大括号内的任何内容都是动态的,并且是用表达式语言编写的。当有人查看页面时,它的值会在运行时进行计算和替换。

Visualforce 表达式不区分大小写,并且忽略 {! ...} 内的空格。以下表达式效果一样:
{! $User.FirstName}
{! $user.firstname }

3.公式表达式(Formula Expressions)


详细参照:Visualforce 函数引用

  • TODAY()
  • YEAR()
  • MAX()
  • ...



 1 <apex:page>
 2     <apex:pageBlock title="User Status">
 3         <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
 4             {! $User.FirstName } {! $User.LastName }
 5            ({! $User.Username })
 6             <p> Today's Date is {! TODAY() } </p>
 7             <p> Next week it will be {! TODAY() + 7 } </p>
 8             <p>The year today is {! YEAR(TODAY()) }</p>
 9             <p>Tomorrow will be day number  {! DAY(TODAY() + 1) }</p>
10             <p>Let's find a maximum: {! MAX(1,2,3,4,5,6,5,4,3,2,1) } </p>
11             <p>The square root of 49 is {! SQRT(49) }</p>
12             <p>Is it true?  {! CONTAINS('', '') }</p>
13         </apex:pageBlockSection>
14     </apex:pageBlock>
15 </apex:page>



 4.条件表达式(Conditional Expressions)


<p>{! IF( CONTAINS('',''),'Yep', 'Nope') }</p>
<p>{! IF( DAY(TODAY()) < 15,'Before the 15th', 'The 15th or after') }</p>


posted @ 2022-05-07 11:21  KousaiMiao  阅读(74)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报