

Behavior of the COM Threading Models


Before any thread can create or manipulate COM objects, it must perform some preliminary initialization to establish its relationship with the COM library. As a result of this process, COM creates an apartment appropriate for the initialization routine: CoInitialize creates a single-threaded apartment (STA), whereas CoInitializeEx with the COINIT_MULTITHREADED flag produces a multi-threaded apartment. The CoInitialize/CoInitializeEx call does not initialize the COM library globally, only the calling thread's use of it, so it's important to remember that this initialization should be done on a per-thread basis. This is typically done early in a thread's work function (ThreadProc).


A single-threaded apartment is associated with the thread that created it, and only that specific thread may execute calls on objects within the apartment. By contrast, a multi-threaded apartment is not associated with any particular thread. It may be called concurrently by any number of threads and objects within it and should subsequently protect their member data.


Communication between apartments is done via marshaling, a generic abstraction for passing data across thread or process boundaries. Because calls to single-threaded apartments can only be executed on the thread that created them, other threads that wish to use an object within this apartment marshal the call to the apartment's thread and let the apartment thread execute the call. The apartment thread then marshals the return value back to the calling thread.



posted on 2018-01-09 20:32  方辰  阅读(114)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
