Disk Requirements:At least 11MB more space needed on the / filesystem. linux 空间不够了,怎么办? 1> 查看空间多少:df -h 2> 查看当期内核: uname -r 3> 查找内核 rpm -qa | ... 阅读全文
Disk Requirements:At least 11MB more space needed on the / filesystem. linux 空间不够了,怎么办? 1> 查看空间多少:df -h 2> 查看当期内核: uname -r 3> 查找内核 rpm -qa | ... 阅读全文
Disk Requirements:At least 11MB more space needed on the / filesystem. linux 空间不够了,怎么办? 1> 查看空间多少:df -h 2> 查看当期内核: uname -r 3> 查找内核 rpm -qa | ... 阅读全文