1. 标准Trie字典树学习一:原理解析
Trie树基于Java的一种简单实现, 上代码。
1. 定义节点类TrieNode
/** * TrieNode 节点类 * @author Konrad created on 2017/10/28 */ public class TrieNode { private LinkedList<TrieNode> children; //子节点 private char data; //节点字符 private int freq; //频率 boolean isEnd; //是否为叶子节点 public TrieNode(char data){ this.children = new LinkedList<>(); this.freq = 0; this.isEnd = false; this.data = data; } public TrieNode childNode(char c){ if(null != children){ for(TrieNode child : children){ if(child.getData() == c){ return child; } } } return null; } public LinkedList<TrieNode> getChildren() { return children; } public void setChildren(LinkedList<TrieNode> children) { this.children = children; } public char getData() { return data; } public void setData(char data) { this.data = data; } public int getFreq() { return freq; } public void setFreq(int freq) { this.freq = freq; } public void addFreq(int step){ this.freq += step; } public void subFreq(int step){ this.freq -= step; } public boolean isEnd() { return isEnd; } public void setEnd(boolean end) { isEnd = end; } }
2. 定义Trie树类TrieTree
/** * TrieTree Trie树类 * * @author Konrad created on 2017/10/28 */ public class TrieTree { private TrieNode root; public TrieTree() { this.root = new TrieNode(' '); } //查找是否存在 public boolean search(String word) {...} //查找返回节点 public TrieNode searchNode(String word) {...} //插入 public void insert(String word) {...} //移除 public void remove(String word) {...} //获取词频 public int getFreq(String word) {...} }
3. 插入节点
public void insert(String word) { TrieNode current = root; for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) { TrieNode child = current.childNode(word.charAt(i)); if (null != child) current = child; else { current.getChildren().add(new TrieNode(word.charAt(i))); current = current.childNode(word.charAt(i)); } current.addFreq(1); } current.setEnd(true); }
//查找是否存在 public boolean search(String word) { TrieNode current = root; for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) { if (null == current.childNode(word.charAt(i))) return false; else current = current.childNode(word.charAt(i)); } if (current.isEnd()) return true; else return false; } //查找返回节点 public TrieNode searchNode(String word) { TrieNode current = root; for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) { if (null == current.childNode(word.charAt(i))) return null; else current = current.childNode(word.charAt(i)); } if (current.isEnd()) return current; else return null; }
//移除 public void remove(String word) { if (!search(word)) return; TrieNode current = root; for (char c : word.toCharArray()) { TrieNode child = current.childNode(c); if (child.getFreq() == 1) { current.getChildren().remove(child); return; }else{ child.subFreq(1); current = child; } } current.setEnd(false); }
//获取词频 public int getFreq(String word) { TrieNode trieNode = searchNode(word); if(null != trieNode){ return trieNode.getFreq(); }else{ return 0; } }
/** * @author Konrad created on 2017/10/28 */ public class TrieTreeDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { String sentence = "today is good day what is you name at facebook how do you do what are you doing here"; TrieTree trieTree = new TrieTree(); for (String str : sentence.split(" ")) { trieTree.insert(str); //插入节点,构建Trie树 } //判断是否存在 System.out.println("Does the word 'facebook' exists: " + trieTree.search("facebook")); //统计do的词频 System.out.println("Frequent of the word 'you': " + trieTree.getFreq("do")); //移除today System.out.println("Does the word 'today' exists - before remove: " + trieTree.search("today")); trieTree.remove("today"); System.out.println("Does the word 'today' exists - after remove: " + trieTree.search("today")); } }