python3 结束子线程
最近公司内部网络经常出问题,奇慢无比,导致人脸检测程序在下载图片时经常卡住,为了不影响数据的核对, 决定在网络不佳图片下载超时后放弃下载,继续执行后续程序。
3、当下载超时后线束下载线程, 执行后续任务
为了便于演示下载效果, 决定采集requests请求方法, 而不用urltrieve下载
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# __author__:kzg import threading import time from urllib.request import urlretrieve def callbackinfo(down, block, size): ''' 回调函数: down:已经下载的数据块 block:数据块的大小 size:远程文件的大小 ''' per = 100.0 * (down * block) / size if per > 100: per = 100 time.sleep(1) # sleep 1秒 print('%.2f%%' % per)
# 图片下载函数 def downpic(url): urlretrieve(url, 'test.jpg', callbackinfo) url = '' # 执行线程 t = threading.Thread(target=downpic, args=(url,)) t.start() t.join(3) print("down OK") 结果: 0.00% 1.51% down OK 3.02% 4.52% 6.03%
5、线程继续执行, 直到完成
守护线程结束, 其中的子线程也被迫结束
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # __author__:kzg import threading import time from urllib.request import urlretrieve def callbackinfo(down, block, size): ''' 回调函数: down:已经下载的数据块 block:数据块的大小 size:远程文件的大小 ''' per = 100.0 * (down * block) / size if per > 100: per = 100 time.sleep(1) print('%.2f%%' % per) def downpic(url): urlretrieve(url, 'test.jpg', callbackinfo) def mainFunc(funcname, args): ''' :param funcname: 函数名(图片下载函数) :param args: 参数(url地址) :return: ''' t = threading.Thread(target=funcname, args=(args,)) t.start() # 开始执行线程 t.join(timeout=5) # 5秒后线程仍未执行完则放弃阻塞, 继续执行后续代码 url = '' m = threading.Thread(target=mainFunc, args=(downpic, url)) m.setDaemon(True) m.start() m.join() 结果: 0.00% 1.51% 3.02% 4.52%
4、mainfunc下的子线程 t在5秒后仍未执行完,
m.join被执行, 守护线程结束,子线程t 被迫结束(结果中只有图片只下载了4秒)
按说到此为止应该圆满结束了, 然而在程序执行过程中发现子线程超时后, 确实开始执行后续代码,但子线程并未退出,仍然在运行。 经过不断排查发现问题出现在for循环上, 原来for循环也类似一个demon的线程,如果for循环一直不结束, 其内的子线程就不会结束。
三、遇到问题, 子线程未被关闭
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # __author__:kzg import threading import time from urllib.request import urlretrieve def callbackinfo(down, block, size): ''' 回调函数: down:已经下载的数据块 block:数据块的大小 size:远程文件的大小 ''' per = 100.0 * (down * block) / size if per > 100: per = 100 time.sleep(1) print('%.2f%%' % per) # 图片下载函数 def downpic(url): urlretrieve(url, 'test.jpg', callbackinfo) def mainFunc(funcname, args): ''' :param funcname: 函数名(图片下载函数) :param args: 参数(url地址) :return: ''' t = threading.Thread(target=funcname, args=(args,)) t.start() # 开始执行线程 t.join(timeout=5) # 3秒后线程仍未执行完则放弃阻塞, 继续执行后续代码 for i in range(2): if i == 0: url = '' else: break # 守护线程 m = threading.Thread(target=mainFunc, args=(downpic, url)) m.setDaemon(True) m.start() m.join() print(m.is_alive()) time.sleep(100) # sleep 100秒, 模拟for一直不结束 结果: 0.00% 1.51% 3.02% 4.52% False 6.03% 7.54% 9.05% 10.55%
从结果可以看出, 5秒后deamon线程结束, 意味着 t 线程会被关闭,然而子线程 t 却一直在执行。
四、问题解决, 强制关闭子线程
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # __author__:kzg import threading import time import inspect import ctypes from urllib.request import urlretrieve def callbackinfo(down, block, size): ''' 回调函数: down:已经下载的数据块 block:数据块的大小 size:远程文件的大小 ''' per = 100.0 * (down * block) / size if per > 100: per = 100 time.sleep(1) print('%.2f%%' % per) # 图片下载函数 def downpic(url): urlretrieve(url, 'test.jpg', callbackinfo) def _async_raise(tid, exctype): """raises the exception, performs cleanup if needed""" tid = ctypes.c_long(tid) if not inspect.isclass(exctype): exctype = type(exctype) res = ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(tid, ctypes.py_object(exctype)) if res == 0: raise ValueError("invalid thread id") elif res != 1: # """if it returns a number greater than one, you're in trouble, # and you should call it again with exc=NULL to revert the effect""" ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(tid, None) raise SystemError("PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc failed") def stop_thread(thread): _async_raise(thread.ident, SystemExit) for i in range(2): if i == 0: url = '' else: break t = threading.Thread(target=downpic, args=(url,)) t.start() t.join(5) print(t.is_alive()) if t.is_alive(): stop_thread(t) print("t is kill") time.sleep(100) 结果: 0.00% 1.51% 3.02% 4.52% True t is kill
1、 主函数mainfunc去掉了
附: 测试图片下载的另一种方法
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import requests import os import time def downpic(url): ''' 根据url下载图片 :param url: url地址 :return: 下载后的图片名称 ''' try: print("Start Down %s" % url) ret = requests.get(url, timeout=3) # 请求超时 if ret.status_code == 200: with open("test.jpg", 'wb') as fp: for d in ret.iter_content(chunk_size=10240): time.sleep(1) # 每次下载10k,sleep 1秒 fp.write(d) print("downLoad ok %s" % url) except Exception as ex: print("downLoad pic fail %s" % url)
urlretrieve第三个参数为reporthook: 是一个回调函数,当连接上服务器以及相应数据块传输完毕时会触发该回调,我们就可以利用该回调函数来显示当前的下载进度。
def urlretrieve(url, filename=None, reporthook=None, data=None): """ Retrieve a URL into a temporary location on disk. Requires a URL argument. If a filename is passed, it is used as the temporary file location. The reporthook argument should be a callable that accepts a block number, a read size, and the total file size of the URL target. The data argument should be valid URL encoded data. If a filename is passed and the URL points to a local resource, the result is a copy from local file to new file. Returns a tuple containing the path to the newly created data file as well as the resulting HTTPMessage object. """