

Install SQL 2008


Create the SQL windows service active directory domain account
This is a walkthrough for those who aren't familiar with SQL Server 2008, but require it to be installed on their development/sandbox virtual machine for SharePoint
Click Installation
Click New SQL Server stand-alone (top link)
Click OK

Click Install
Click Next
Click Select All and uncheck SQL Server Books Online. Then click Next
Click Next
Click Next
Click Use the same account for all SQL Server Services

Enter the SQL Service Account you created above. Click OK. Click Next.

Click Add Current User, then click Next

Click Add Current User and then click Next

Click Next

Click Next

Click Next

Click Install

(come back in 20 minutes)

Now run SQL Server 2008 SP1


posted @ 2010-01-12 09:57  kongsun  阅读(386)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报