05 2016 档案
摘要:how to write a windows services 1. "susport microsoft" This aritcle describe the detail step to setup a windows service hello world. 2. As currently,
摘要:How to Raize Command to evalituate in mvvm 1. In mvvmlight, we bind our control to the relaycommand object. But, the commmand only execute the CanExec
摘要:DataTemplate ControlTemplate 1. we can search many posts about this topic. some valuable link: "DataTemplate和ControlTemplate的关系" , 2. we can see some
摘要:Xaml edit bug about vs2013+ 1. sometimes, vs will say some class not found in the namespace. but, we confirm the class is defined in that namespace. i
摘要:INPC & RaizePropertyChanged in mvvmlight In WPF app, MvvM Framework, we binding the UIElement from View to the Public Properties in ViewModel. what do
摘要:ListView Learning Note how to add double click event to listviewitem in ListView. 1. refer link in "stackoverflow" 2. Some notes about this. we can us
摘要:How to call C\ code in powershell Powershell Command Add Type 1. usage of "Add Type" 2. we use Add Type TypeDefinition $code. About C Code, we should
摘要:reflesh the selected item in DataView when we use DataView to display a set of data. Generally, we binding the selected item to our object in ViewMode
摘要:Timer in StatusBar 1. we need to show local time in StatusBar. solution: 1. add textblock control 2. binding to a string. 3. we use dispatcherTimer cl
摘要:StatusBar & StatusBarItem StatusBar 1. "StatusBar class" StatusBarItem 1. "StatusBarItem class" 2. Example
摘要:Menu & MenuItem learning note Menu MenuItem 1. "MSDN" 2. Sample Code
摘要:Learning Note For MvvmLight MvvmLight quitstart refer link1 : "MVVMLight HelloWorld" mc:Ignorable usage. we have a lot of places using in our xaml. it
摘要:Random Usage sometimes, we hope to generate some random infor to manipulate our data structor. we can use random class to achieve this goal. the refer
摘要:Summary of my learning note for WPF Binding Binding to DataSet. when we want to add new record, we should modify DataTable , not the DataTableView . V