ReportServer Tutorial

This Document is a walk trough of how to set up a Report Server For newbies

SoftWare Environment

SQLServer Express 2014

  1. Link.

  2. When you install the SQLServer 2014, make sure if report server is checked. it is checked defaultly.

  3. Open Reporting Services Configuration Manager just like SQLServer Manager Studio. There are two URLs needed to be noted.
    that is WebServiceURL and ReportManagerURL. The second one is used to manager you report template. The first One is used to generating the
    report for client like winform ReportViewer.

  4. By Default, we need to open IE with runAsAdministrator feature to access to the manager website. if we hope to bypass this limit, we can follow this link to assign the necessary privilege.

Manager Report Server with PowerShell

  1. instance a object of ReportServer
$ReportUrl = "http://xxx/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx?wsdl"
$rs = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $reportUrl -UseDefaultCredential -Namespace "SSRS"
  1. Now we can rock over it by using this guide

  2. refer link here

Code Snap:

    [string]$ReportServerUrL = "http://xxx:xxx/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx?wsdl",
   # [string]$ReportServerUrL = "http://localhost/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx?wsdl",

    [string]$LocalRDLFilePath = "xxx\Reports\SSRSReports",

    [string]$ReportFolderPath = "/AgencyNoticeReports",

    [string]$SharedDataSourcePath = "/AgencyNoticeReports/Agency"
Function Get-ReportServerInstance


     return New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $ReportUrl -UseDefaultCredential -Namespace $Namespace

 Function Delete-ItemsByPath


     if($IsRecurse){$RS.ListChildren($Path,$IsRecurse) | %{$RS.DeleteItem($_.Path)}}

 Function Upload-ReportToRemoteServer


     Resolve-Path -Path $RDLFilePath
     $RDLFile = Get-Item -Path $RDLFilePath
     $reportName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($RDLFile.Name)
     $bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($RDLFile.FullName)
     $report = $rs.CreateCatalogItem(
        "Report",         # Catalog item type
        $reportName,      # Report name
        $ReportServerPath,# Destination folder
        $true,            # Overwrite report if it exists?
        $bytes,           # .rdl file contents
        $null,            # Properties to set.
        [ref]$warnings)   # Warnings that occured while uploading.
    $warnings | %{  Write-Output ("Warning: {0}" -f $_.Message)}

 Function Create-ReportFolder



 Function Test-ItemByPath

     Return ($Rs.ListChildren("/",$true) | ?{$_.Path -eq $Path}) -ne $null

 Function Update-DataSource


     $RS.ListChildren($ReportFolderPath,$false) |?{$_.TypeName -eq "Report"} | %{
           $referencedDataSourceName = (@($rs.GetItemReferences($_.Path, "DataSource")))[0].Name
            # Change the datasource for the report to $SharedDataSourcePath
            # Note that we can access the types such as DataSource with the prefix 
            # "SSRS" only because we specified that as our namespace when we 
            # created the proxy with New-WebServiceProxy.
            $dataSource = New-Object SSRS.DataSource
            $dataSource.Name = $referencedDataSourceName      
            # Name as used when designing the Report
            $dataSource.Item = New-Object SSRS.DataSourceReference
            $dataSource.Item.Reference = $SharedDataSourcePath # Path to the shared data source as it is deployed here.
            $rs.SetItemDataSources($_.Path, [SSRS.DataSource[]]$dataSource)

$Rs = Get-ReportServerInstance -ReportUrl $ReportServerUrL  -Namespace "SSRS"
if((Test-ItemByPath -RS $RS -Path $ReportFolderPath) -eq $false)
    Create-ReportFolder -RS $RS -FolderName $ReportFolderPath.remove(0,1)
Resolve-Path $LocalRDLFilePath
Get-ChildItem -Path $LocalRDLFilePath | ?{$_.Name -like "*.rdl"} | %{Upload-ReportToRemoteServer -RS $RS -RDLFilePath $_.FullName -ReportServerPath $ReportFolderPath }
Update-DataSource -RS $RS -SharedDataSourcePath $SharedDataSourcePath -ReportFolderPath $ReportFolderPath

posted @ 2017-03-06 14:56  kongshu  阅读(214)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报