Fluent API notes

Fluent API issues

  1. HasRequired vs navigation Property.

the only difference is HasRequired will force the foreign Key as no null, while the latter will make the key as null.

  1. WithRequiredPrincipal vs withRequiredDependency vs withoptional

these three methods will use the primary key as the foreign key to make a relationship to the other tables. So, here, we should not make the primary key as DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity or Computed, we should select the None

WithMany: this will create a new column to make the relationship.

  1. keep one thing in mind one to zero or one relationship will use primary key as foreign key. one to many or many to many will create a new column
    to represent as foreign key.

Two important website: Web1, Web2

posted @ 2016-09-05 17:11  kongshu  阅读(116)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报