Note About myPassword
- how to binding table rows to an array
Sample code
$scope.Credentials = [
{ UserName: "熊二", Password: "123123123", Provider: "Test", Description: "Test" },
{ UserName: "光头强", Password: "123123123", Provider: "Test", Description: "Test" },
{ UserName: "吉吉国王", Password: "123123123", Provider: "Test", Description: "Test" },
{ UserName: "熊大", Password: "123123123", Provider: "Test", Description: "Test" }
<table id="CredentialList">
<tr id="Header">
<tr ng-repeat="EachCredential in Credentials">
- ng-click eventhandler function, we can pass parameters to it.
Sample code
<tr ng-repeat="EachCredential in Credentials" ng-click="SelectRow($event,EachCredential);">
- ng-class, we can set the class based on the expression, it is useful when hightlight the selected Row,
please be note that, the $index
is the key variables in angularjs.
Sample code:
<tr ng-repeat="EachCredential in Credentials" ng-click="SelectRow($index,EachCredential);" ng-class="{'selected':$index==selectedRow}">
- we start to write a webapi.