JQuery vscode tips

Configure VSCode to support Jquery

JQuery extension

  1. open vscode ,select the extensions, type jquery, javascript(E6). then install & enable. restart vscode, done.

Jquery intellisense

  1. Get the MSI. npm is here.

  2. Then we need to install tsd. Follow these steps:

open cmd;
npm install tsd -g
cd to somefolder(we will save the tsd file)
tsd query -r -o -a install jquery
  1. we can create a js file in vscode. Add these in the front of the file.
    /// <reference path="xxx\typings\jquery\jquery.d.ts" />
    then, it done.
posted @ 2016-07-21 07:18  kongshu  阅读(246)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报