Turing Award 2020-奠定了编译器设计的基础
- 获奖理由:for fundamental algorithms and theory underlying programming language implementation and for synthesizing(合成) these results and those of others in their highly influential (有影响的)books, which educated generations of computer scientists.
- Alfred Vaino Aho 是Columbia University的教授;1941年,到2021年是80岁;2003年获得IEEE冯诺依曼奖;
- Professor Aho has a B.A.Sc in Engineering Physics from the University of Toronto and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering/Computer Science from PrincetonUniversity.
- Jeffrey David Ullman 是Stanford University的教授;1942年,到2021年是79岁;2010年获得IEEE冯诺依曼奖;
- B. S.(理学学士) in Engineering Mathematics, Columbia Univ., 1963;
- Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering, Princeton Univ., 1966.
- 世界上所有的程序都是程序员用高级语言写的,再使用编译器编译成机器语言在机器上执行的,这种转换的技术开始于这两位老师;
- 开始于1967年的Bell Labs,并且持续了几十年的合作;
- “Aho and Ullman established bedrock (基石)ideas about algorithms, formal languages(形式语言), compilers and databases, which were instrumental (工具性的)in the development of today’s programming and software landscape,” added Jeff Dean, Google Senior Fellow and SVP, Google AI.
- 两位老师都是从Princeton 大学博士毕业的,合著了一共9本教材,最著名的是下面的两个:
- The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms (1974),这本书引入了 the random access machine (RAM) as the basic model for analyzing the time and space complexity of computer algorithms using recurrence relations(递归关系).
- Principles of Compiler Design (1977),因为封面的原因一直被称为编译器设计领域的龙书,It includes algorithmic contributions that the authors made to efficient techniques for lexical analysis(词法分析), syntax analysis (句法分析)techniques, and code generation.
万事走心 精益求美
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