


谈论将来时,你有时可以使用一般现在时。如果谈及的演出活动隶属某计划表、时间表或演出日程,这种情况最为常见。表示演出开始或结束的动词,比如 begin 和 close,常常以一般现在时来表示将来时。
  begin 开始
  start 开始
  open 开始
  The dance performance begins at 8 o'clock tonight. 舞蹈演出今晚八点开始。
  Harold's Department Store opens at 9 a.m. tomorrow. Harold's Department Store 明天早上九点开张。


  close  结束
  end  结束
  be over  结束,完了
  finish  结束


The movie is over at 9:15 p.m.       
  She closes her shop at 6 o'clock. 她六点钟关店。

语言点:记住在 he、she 和 it 后面,动词一般现在时后加 s。例如:  
  The movie ends at midnight.  电影午夜结束。



  Can you give me some information? 你能告诉我一些信息吗?
  Do you have a website? 你们有网站吗?
  Can I buy tickets online? 我可以网上购票吗?
  What's your address? 地址在哪里?
  What time is the next show? 下一场演出在什么时候?
  Are tickets still available? 还有票吗?
  How much are tickets? 票多少钱一张?

EMPLOYEE: Good afternoon. Springdale Theater.
NANCY: Good afternoon. Can you give me some information about the film 'Mommy Mommy'?
EMPLOYEE: Certainly. What would you like to know?
NANCY: When is the next show ?
EMPLOYEE: It's at 3:15.
NANCY: That's good. And are there still tickets for it?
EMPLOYEE: Yes. That's not a problem. Afternoons are never sold out .
NANCY: OK. And can I buy tickets online?
EMPLOYEE: Yes, just go to our website , www.springdaletheater.com.
NANCY: Thanks! Oh, and how much are tickets for adults and children?
EMPLOYEE: Adults are $13, and kids are $6.



posted @ 2019-02-23 11:16  lixiao555  阅读(788)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报