.NET读取QQWry.Dat 纯真版ip数据库格式数据源
1 /******************************************************************
2 ** File Name:IPScaner.cs
3 ** Create Date:2004-12-27 20:10:28
4 ** Modifier:
5 ** Modify Date:
6 ** Description:to scan the ip location from qqwry.dat
7 ** Version: IPScaner 1.0.0
8 ******************************************************************/
9 using System;
10 using System.IO;
11 using System.Collections;
12 using System.Text;
13 using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
14 namespace chat.Rules
15 {
16 /**//// <summary>
17 /// to scan the ip location from qqwry.dat
18 /// </summary>
19 public class IPScaner
20 {
21 #region 私有成员
22 private string dataPath;
23 private string ip;
24 private string country;
25 private string local;
27 private long firstStartIp=0;
28 private long lastStartIp=0;
29 private FileStream objfs = null;
30 private long startIp=0;
31 private long endIp=0;
32 private int countryFlag=0;
33 private long endIpOff=0;
34 private string errMsg=null;
35 #endregion
37 #region 构造函数
38 public IPScaner()
39 {
40 //
41 // TODO: 在此处添加构造函数逻辑
42 //
43 }
44 #endregion
46 #region 公共属性
47 public string DataPath
48 {
49 set{dataPath=value;}
50 }
51 public string IP
52 {
53 set{ip=value;}
54 }
55 public string Country
56 {
57 get{return country;}
58 }
59 public string Local
60 {
61 get{return local;}
62 }
63 public string ErrMsg
64 {
65 get{return errMsg;}
66 }
67 #endregion
69 #region 搜索匹配数据
70 private int QQwry()
71 {
72 string pattern = @"(((\d{1,2})|(1\d{2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(25[0-5]))\.){3}((\d{1,2})|(1\d{2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(25[0-5]))";
73 Regex objRe = new Regex(pattern);
74 Match objMa = objRe.Match(ip);
75 if(!objMa.Success)
76 {
77 this.errMsg="IP格式错误";
78 return 4;
79 }
81 long ip_Int = this.IpToInt(ip);
82 int nRet=0;
83 if(ip_Int>=IpToInt("")&&ip_Int<=IpToInt(""))
84 {
85 this.country="本机内部环回地址";
86 this.local="";
87 nRet=1;
88 }
89 else if((ip_Int>=IpToInt("")&&ip_Int<=IpToInt(""))||(ip_Int>=IpToInt("")&&ip_Int<=IpToInt(""))||(ip_Int>=IpToInt("")&&ip_Int<=IpToInt("")))
90 {
91 this.country="网络保留地址";
92 this.local="";
93 nRet=1;
94 }
95 objfs = new FileStream(this.dataPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
96 try
97 {
98 //objfs.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Begin);
99 objfs.Position=0;
100 byte[] buff = new Byte[8] ;
101 objfs.Read(buff,0,8);
102 firstStartIp=buff[0]+buff[1]*256+buff[2]*256*256+buff[3]*256*256*256;
103 lastStartIp=buff[4]*1+buff[5]*256+buff[6]*256*256+buff[7]*256*256*256;
104 long recordCount=Convert.ToInt64((lastStartIp-firstStartIp)/7.0);
105 if(recordCount<=1)
106 {
107 country="FileDataError";
108 objfs.Close();
109 return 2;
110 }
111 long rangE=recordCount;
112 long rangB=0;
113 long recNO=0;
114 while(rangB<rangE-1)
115 {
116 recNO=(rangE+rangB)/2;
117 this.GetStartIp(recNO);
118 if(ip_Int==this.startIp)
119 {
120 rangB = recNO;
121 break;
122 }
123 if(ip_Int>this.startIp)
124 rangB=recNO;
125 else
126 rangE=recNO;
127 }
128 this.GetStartIp(rangB);
129 this.GetEndIp();
130 if(this.startIp<=ip_Int&&this.endIp>=ip_Int)
131 {
132 this.GetCountry();
133 this.local=this.local.Replace("(我们一定要解放台湾!!!)","");
134 }
135 else
136 {
137 nRet=3;
138 this.country="未知";
139 this.local="";
140 }
141 objfs.Close();
142 return nRet;
143 }
144 catch
145 {
146 return 1;
147 }
149 }
150 #endregion
152 #region IP地址转换成Int数据
153 private long IpToInt(string ip)
154 {
155 char[] dot = new char[]{'.'};
156 string [] ipArr = ip.Split(dot);
157 if(ipArr.Length==3)
158 ip=ip+".0";
159 ipArr=ip.Split(dot);
161 long ip_Int=0;
162 long p1=long.Parse(ipArr[0])*256*256*256;
163 long p2=long.Parse(ipArr[1])*256*256;
164 long p3=long.Parse(ipArr[2])*256;
165 long p4=long.Parse(ipArr[3]);
166 ip_Int=p1+p2+p3+p4;
167 return ip_Int;
168 }
169 #endregion
171 #region int转换成IP
172 private string IntToIP(long ip_Int)
173 {
174 long seg1=(ip_Int&0xff000000)>>24;
175 if(seg1<0)
176 seg1+=0x100;
177 long seg2=(ip_Int&0x00ff0000)>>16;
178 if(seg2<0)
179 seg2+=0x100;
180 long seg3=(ip_Int&0x0000ff00)>>8;
181 if(seg3<0)
182 seg3+=0x100;
183 long seg4=(ip_Int&0x000000ff);
184 if(seg4<0)
185 seg4+=0x100;
186 string ip=seg1.ToString()+"."+seg2.ToString()+"."+seg3.ToString()+"."+seg4.ToString();
188 return ip;
189 }
190 #endregion
192 #region 获取起始IP范围
193 private long GetStartIp(long recNO)
194 {
195 long offSet = firstStartIp+recNO*7;
196 //objfs.Seek(offSet,SeekOrigin.Begin);
197 objfs.Position=offSet;
198 byte [] buff = new Byte[7];
199 objfs.Read(buff,0,7);
201 endIpOff=Convert.ToInt64(buff[4].ToString())+Convert.ToInt64(buff[5].ToString())*256+Convert.ToInt64(buff[6].ToString())*256*256;
202 startIp=Convert.ToInt64(buff[0].ToString())+Convert.ToInt64(buff[1].ToString())*256+Convert.ToInt64(buff[2].ToString())*256*256+Convert.ToInt64(buff[3].ToString())*256*256*256;
203 return startIp;
204 }
205 #endregion
207 #region 获取结束IP
208 private long GetEndIp()
209 {
210 //objfs.Seek(endIpOff,SeekOrigin.Begin);
211 objfs.Position=endIpOff;
212 byte [] buff = new Byte[5];
213 objfs.Read(buff,0,5);
214 this.endIp=Convert.ToInt64(buff[0].ToString())+Convert.ToInt64(buff[1].ToString())*256+Convert.ToInt64(buff[2].ToString())*256*256+Convert.ToInt64(buff[3].ToString())*256*256*256;
215 this.countryFlag=buff[4];
216 return this.endIp;
217 }
218 #endregion
220 #region 获取国家/区域偏移量
221 private string GetCountry()
222 {
223 switch(this.countryFlag)
224 {
225 case 1:
226 case 2:
227 this.country=GetFlagStr(this.endIpOff+4);
228 this.local=( 1 == this.countryFlag )?" ":this.GetFlagStr(this.endIpOff+8);
229 break;
230 default:
231 this.country=this.GetFlagStr(this.endIpOff+4);
232 this.local=this.GetFlagStr(objfs.Position);
233 break;
234 }
235 return " ";
236 }
237 #endregion
239 #region 获取国家/区域字符串
240 private string GetFlagStr(long offSet)
241 {
242 int flag=0;
243 byte [] buff = new Byte[3];
244 while(1==1)
245 {
246 //objfs.Seek(offSet,SeekOrigin.Begin);
247 objfs.Position=offSet;
248 flag = objfs.ReadByte();
249 if(flag==1||flag==2)
250 {
251 objfs.Read(buff,0,3);
252 if(flag==2)
253 {
254 this.countryFlag=2;
255 this.endIpOff=offSet-4;
256 }
257 offSet=Convert.ToInt64(buff[0].ToString())+Convert.ToInt64(buff[1].ToString())*256+Convert.ToInt64(buff[2].ToString())*256*256;
258 }
259 else
260 {
261 break;
262 }
263 }
264 if(offSet<12)
265 return " ";
266 objfs.Position=offSet;
267 return GetStr();
268 }
269 #endregion
271 #region GetStr
272 private string GetStr()
273 {
274 byte lowC=0;
275 byte upC=0;
276 string str="";
277 byte[] buff = new byte[2];
278 while(1==1)
279 {
280 lowC= (Byte)objfs.ReadByte();
281 if(lowC==0)
282 break;
283 if(lowC>127)
284 {
285 upC=(byte)objfs.ReadByte();
286 buff[0]=lowC;
287 buff[1]=upC;
288 System.Text.Encoding enc = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312");
289 str+=enc.GetString(buff);
290 }
291 else
292 {
293 str+=(char)lowC;
294 }
295 }
296 return str;
297 }
298 #endregion
300 #region 获取IP地址
301 public string IPLocation()
302 {
303 this.QQwry();
304 return this.country+this.local;
305 }
306 public string IPLocation(string dataPath,string ip)
307 {
308 this.dataPath=dataPath;
309 this.ip=ip;
310 this.QQwry();
311 return this.country+this.local;
312 }
313 #endregion
316 }
317 }
2 ** File Name:IPScaner.cs
3 ** Create Date:2004-12-27 20:10:28
4 ** Modifier:
5 ** Modify Date:
6 ** Description:to scan the ip location from qqwry.dat
7 ** Version: IPScaner 1.0.0
8 ******************************************************************/
9 using System;
10 using System.IO;
11 using System.Collections;
12 using System.Text;
13 using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
14 namespace chat.Rules
15 {
16 /**//// <summary>
17 /// to scan the ip location from qqwry.dat
18 /// </summary>
19 public class IPScaner
20 {
21 #region 私有成员
22 private string dataPath;
23 private string ip;
24 private string country;
25 private string local;
27 private long firstStartIp=0;
28 private long lastStartIp=0;
29 private FileStream objfs = null;
30 private long startIp=0;
31 private long endIp=0;
32 private int countryFlag=0;
33 private long endIpOff=0;
34 private string errMsg=null;
35 #endregion
37 #region 构造函数
38 public IPScaner()
39 {
40 //
41 // TODO: 在此处添加构造函数逻辑
42 //
43 }
44 #endregion
46 #region 公共属性
47 public string DataPath
48 {
49 set{dataPath=value;}
50 }
51 public string IP
52 {
53 set{ip=value;}
54 }
55 public string Country
56 {
57 get{return country;}
58 }
59 public string Local
60 {
61 get{return local;}
62 }
63 public string ErrMsg
64 {
65 get{return errMsg;}
66 }
67 #endregion
69 #region 搜索匹配数据
70 private int QQwry()
71 {
72 string pattern = @"(((\d{1,2})|(1\d{2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(25[0-5]))\.){3}((\d{1,2})|(1\d{2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(25[0-5]))";
73 Regex objRe = new Regex(pattern);
74 Match objMa = objRe.Match(ip);
75 if(!objMa.Success)
76 {
77 this.errMsg="IP格式错误";
78 return 4;
79 }
81 long ip_Int = this.IpToInt(ip);
82 int nRet=0;
83 if(ip_Int>=IpToInt("")&&ip_Int<=IpToInt(""))
84 {
85 this.country="本机内部环回地址";
86 this.local="";
87 nRet=1;
88 }
89 else if((ip_Int>=IpToInt("")&&ip_Int<=IpToInt(""))||(ip_Int>=IpToInt("")&&ip_Int<=IpToInt(""))||(ip_Int>=IpToInt("")&&ip_Int<=IpToInt("")))
90 {
91 this.country="网络保留地址";
92 this.local="";
93 nRet=1;
94 }
95 objfs = new FileStream(this.dataPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
96 try
97 {
98 //objfs.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Begin);
99 objfs.Position=0;
100 byte[] buff = new Byte[8] ;
101 objfs.Read(buff,0,8);
102 firstStartIp=buff[0]+buff[1]*256+buff[2]*256*256+buff[3]*256*256*256;
103 lastStartIp=buff[4]*1+buff[5]*256+buff[6]*256*256+buff[7]*256*256*256;
104 long recordCount=Convert.ToInt64((lastStartIp-firstStartIp)/7.0);
105 if(recordCount<=1)
106 {
107 country="FileDataError";
108 objfs.Close();
109 return 2;
110 }
111 long rangE=recordCount;
112 long rangB=0;
113 long recNO=0;
114 while(rangB<rangE-1)
115 {
116 recNO=(rangE+rangB)/2;
117 this.GetStartIp(recNO);
118 if(ip_Int==this.startIp)
119 {
120 rangB = recNO;
121 break;
122 }
123 if(ip_Int>this.startIp)
124 rangB=recNO;
125 else
126 rangE=recNO;
127 }
128 this.GetStartIp(rangB);
129 this.GetEndIp();
130 if(this.startIp<=ip_Int&&this.endIp>=ip_Int)
131 {
132 this.GetCountry();
133 this.local=this.local.Replace("(我们一定要解放台湾!!!)","");
134 }
135 else
136 {
137 nRet=3;
138 this.country="未知";
139 this.local="";
140 }
141 objfs.Close();
142 return nRet;
143 }
144 catch
145 {
146 return 1;
147 }
149 }
150 #endregion
152 #region IP地址转换成Int数据
153 private long IpToInt(string ip)
154 {
155 char[] dot = new char[]{'.'};
156 string [] ipArr = ip.Split(dot);
157 if(ipArr.Length==3)
158 ip=ip+".0";
159 ipArr=ip.Split(dot);
161 long ip_Int=0;
162 long p1=long.Parse(ipArr[0])*256*256*256;
163 long p2=long.Parse(ipArr[1])*256*256;
164 long p3=long.Parse(ipArr[2])*256;
165 long p4=long.Parse(ipArr[3]);
166 ip_Int=p1+p2+p3+p4;
167 return ip_Int;
168 }
169 #endregion
171 #region int转换成IP
172 private string IntToIP(long ip_Int)
173 {
174 long seg1=(ip_Int&0xff000000)>>24;
175 if(seg1<0)
176 seg1+=0x100;
177 long seg2=(ip_Int&0x00ff0000)>>16;
178 if(seg2<0)
179 seg2+=0x100;
180 long seg3=(ip_Int&0x0000ff00)>>8;
181 if(seg3<0)
182 seg3+=0x100;
183 long seg4=(ip_Int&0x000000ff);
184 if(seg4<0)
185 seg4+=0x100;
186 string ip=seg1.ToString()+"."+seg2.ToString()+"."+seg3.ToString()+"."+seg4.ToString();
188 return ip;
189 }
190 #endregion
192 #region 获取起始IP范围
193 private long GetStartIp(long recNO)
194 {
195 long offSet = firstStartIp+recNO*7;
196 //objfs.Seek(offSet,SeekOrigin.Begin);
197 objfs.Position=offSet;
198 byte [] buff = new Byte[7];
199 objfs.Read(buff,0,7);
201 endIpOff=Convert.ToInt64(buff[4].ToString())+Convert.ToInt64(buff[5].ToString())*256+Convert.ToInt64(buff[6].ToString())*256*256;
202 startIp=Convert.ToInt64(buff[0].ToString())+Convert.ToInt64(buff[1].ToString())*256+Convert.ToInt64(buff[2].ToString())*256*256+Convert.ToInt64(buff[3].ToString())*256*256*256;
203 return startIp;
204 }
205 #endregion
207 #region 获取结束IP
208 private long GetEndIp()
209 {
210 //objfs.Seek(endIpOff,SeekOrigin.Begin);
211 objfs.Position=endIpOff;
212 byte [] buff = new Byte[5];
213 objfs.Read(buff,0,5);
214 this.endIp=Convert.ToInt64(buff[0].ToString())+Convert.ToInt64(buff[1].ToString())*256+Convert.ToInt64(buff[2].ToString())*256*256+Convert.ToInt64(buff[3].ToString())*256*256*256;
215 this.countryFlag=buff[4];
216 return this.endIp;
217 }
218 #endregion
220 #region 获取国家/区域偏移量
221 private string GetCountry()
222 {
223 switch(this.countryFlag)
224 {
225 case 1:
226 case 2:
227 this.country=GetFlagStr(this.endIpOff+4);
228 this.local=( 1 == this.countryFlag )?" ":this.GetFlagStr(this.endIpOff+8);
229 break;
230 default:
231 this.country=this.GetFlagStr(this.endIpOff+4);
232 this.local=this.GetFlagStr(objfs.Position);
233 break;
234 }
235 return " ";
236 }
237 #endregion
239 #region 获取国家/区域字符串
240 private string GetFlagStr(long offSet)
241 {
242 int flag=0;
243 byte [] buff = new Byte[3];
244 while(1==1)
245 {
246 //objfs.Seek(offSet,SeekOrigin.Begin);
247 objfs.Position=offSet;
248 flag = objfs.ReadByte();
249 if(flag==1||flag==2)
250 {
251 objfs.Read(buff,0,3);
252 if(flag==2)
253 {
254 this.countryFlag=2;
255 this.endIpOff=offSet-4;
256 }
257 offSet=Convert.ToInt64(buff[0].ToString())+Convert.ToInt64(buff[1].ToString())*256+Convert.ToInt64(buff[2].ToString())*256*256;
258 }
259 else
260 {
261 break;
262 }
263 }
264 if(offSet<12)
265 return " ";
266 objfs.Position=offSet;
267 return GetStr();
268 }
269 #endregion
271 #region GetStr
272 private string GetStr()
273 {
274 byte lowC=0;
275 byte upC=0;
276 string str="";
277 byte[] buff = new byte[2];
278 while(1==1)
279 {
280 lowC= (Byte)objfs.ReadByte();
281 if(lowC==0)
282 break;
283 if(lowC>127)
284 {
285 upC=(byte)objfs.ReadByte();
286 buff[0]=lowC;
287 buff[1]=upC;
288 System.Text.Encoding enc = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312");
289 str+=enc.GetString(buff);
290 }
291 else
292 {
293 str+=(char)lowC;
294 }
295 }
296 return str;
297 }
298 #endregion
300 #region 获取IP地址
301 public string IPLocation()
302 {
303 this.QQwry();
304 return this.country+this.local;
305 }
306 public string IPLocation(string dataPath,string ip)
307 {
308 this.dataPath=dataPath;
309 this.ip=ip;
310 this.QQwry();
311 return this.country+this.local;
312 }
313 #endregion
316 }
317 }
1 #region 测试地址搜索
2 IPScaner objScan = new IPScaner();
3 string ip="";
4 objScan.DataPath=@"E:\QQWry.Dat";
5 objScan.IP=ip;
6 string addre=objScan.IPLocation();
7 string err=objScan.ErrMsg;
9 #endregion
2 IPScaner objScan = new IPScaner();
3 string ip="";
4 objScan.DataPath=@"E:\QQWry.Dat";
5 objScan.IP=ip;
6 string addre=objScan.IPLocation();
7 string err=objScan.ErrMsg;
9 #endregion