
时间2016.05.26  发布者北宋小康康(koker)



insert into Info values('p001','张三',true,'n001','1989-2-3')
insert into Info (Code,Name) values('p002','李四');

delete from Info where Code = 'p002'

update Info set Name='李四' where Code='p001'


select * from Info
select name as'名字',code as'代号' from info


select * from Car where Code='c002'
select * from Car where Brand='b001' and Powers=130 或者用or

select * from Car where Name like '%奥迪%' %代表任意多个字符 _代表一个字符

select * from Car order by Brand,Powers desc

select * from Car where Price>=40 and Price<=60
select * from Car where Price between 40 and 50

select * from Car where Code in ('c001','c003','c005','c007')
select * from Car where Code not in('c001','c003','c005','c007')

select sum(Price) from Car #查询所有价格之和 sum()求和
select count(Code) from Car #查询数据条数
select max(Code) from Car #求最大值
select min(Brand) from Car #求最小值
select avg(Price) from Car #求平均值

select * from Car limit (n-1)*5,5

select distinct Brand from Car

select count(*),Brand from Car group by Brand
select Brand from Car group by Brand having count(*)>3 #分组之后根据条件查询使用having 不使用where


posted @ 2016-05-26 22:55  北宋小康  阅读(156)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报