学习内容:1,代码建表格 2,表格代码导入导出 3,增删改查 4记住备份
1 create table Nation #民族表 create是创建的意思 “#”井号用来注释 2 ( 3 code varchar(50) primary key, --primary key 设主键 4 name varchar(50) --varchar字符串,最后一个列名不加逗号 5 ) 6 ;--注意用分号结尾
7 #家庭关系 8 create table Info 9 ( 10 code varchar(50) primary key, 11 name varchar(50) 12 ) 13 ; 14 #个人信息 15 create table presoninformition 16 ( 17 18 code varchar(50) primary key 19 Name vachar(50) 20 sex bit, 21 birthday datetime(8), 22 foreign key(Nation) inferences Nation(code),外键 23 height(6,1), 24 25 ) 26 ; 27 #工作经历 28 create table work 29 ( 30 No. int auto_increment primary key, 31 foreign key(code) inferences personinformition(code) 32 startwork datetime(8), 33 endwork datetime(8), 34 where varchar(50), 35 bumen varchar(50), 36 ci int, 37 ) 38 ; 39 create table famliy 40 ( 41 id int auto_increment primary key, auto_increment 自增 42 foreign key(code) inferences personinformition(code), 43 name varchar(50), 44 infocode inferences Info(code), 45 oder int 46 47 ); 48 ;
create table <表名>--------创建表格
<列名> <数据类型及长度(字节)> [not null],
<列名> <数据类型及长度字节>,
<列名> <数据类型及长度字节>
drop table <表名>删除表格
增(create),删(retrive),改(update),查(delete) CRUD
insert into <表名>[(列1,列2....)] values(<'值1'>[,'值2'])
例:1,insert into 表格(列1,列2,....)values('值1','值2',....)*列与值之间要一一对应*提醒标点符号一定要用英文下的 一行中插入之后没写的还显示null(虚)表示空着可能会加入内容
2,insert into values(‘值1’,‘值2’,....)这种情况下有几列就要写几个值;
3,insert into value(‘’,值1,....)
delete from car where code='c001' *delete删除 from从哪里 一般情况式子where(当什么时候的意思)+列名
delete from car where brand='b001' or brand='b004' or与//是一个意思表示逻辑关系中的或
delete from car where brand='b001' || brand='b004'
delete from car where brand='b007' && price>50两个条件同时满足
delete from car where brand='b007' and price>50 &&与and标示逻辑关系中的与
delete from 表名 where 列名='值'and/&&列名>x
<>和 !=意思是一样的表示非
update <表名> set <列=值>[,列=值...] where .....set后面是要改的内容 where后面是条件
update info set sex='1' where code='p003'
update info set sex='0',nation='n004',birthday='1999-9-9' where code='p001'
update car set price=price * 0.9 where price > 30
update car set price =price * 0.95 where (brand='b006' || brand='b005')&&price>30
例:update 表名 set 列名1='值1',....where 列名='值'
select * from 表名
select 列名1,列名2... from 表名 --投影
select * from 表名 where 条件 --筛选
select * from car where code='c001';
select * from car where code != 'c001';
select * from car where price > 30;
select * from car where price >=30 && price <=50;
select * from car where price between 30 and 50
select * from car where brand='b002' || brand='b004' || brand='b006'
select * from car where brand in ('b002','b004','b006')
select * from car where name like '宝马%' %--任意多个任意字符
select * from car where name like '%5%'
select * from car where name like '%型'
select * from car where name like '__5%' _ -- 一个任意字符
select * from 表名 where .... order by 列名 [ASC/DESC],列名[asc/desc]....
select * from car order by price desc
select * from car order by brand desc,price asc
**时刻注意每天打完代码之后一定要备份 建议适时备份,这可以那帮你很多忙记住一定要每天都备份!!
该博文由北宋小康康(koker)于2016.05.25.晚上 发布
【推荐】凌霞软件回馈社区,博客园 & 1Panel & Halo 联合会员上线
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