美国社会文化Chapter twelve Social Service - Public Social Service 原文 翻译

Public social services in the United States can be conveniently divided into two categories. The first is the contributory Social Security System, through which benefits are earned and distributed. The second is a program that provides assistance to people incapable of financially supporting themselves. Such assistance is given on the basis of income, but is not tied to the contributory system. Programs of this kind are generally known as social welfare programs.

Governmental provision for Social Security is a large and expanding part of public social services. In 2007,for example, the U.S. federal budget for Social Security amounted to $623 billion, which was composed of retirement insurance payments ($369 billion),survivors insurance($113 billion),disability insurance ($105 billion),and supplemental security income payments ($36 billion).Social Security contributes about33.9%of federal government's total tax revenue in the form of social insurance and retirement taxes, and its payments account for about 21%of federal spending, close to the expenditure for defense (20%).

Social Security derives from the programs contained in the 1935 Social Security Act. It now refers to three main areas: the old age, survivors, disability and health insurance program; Medicare; and Unemployment Compensation. Employees and the self-employed contribute financially (some7%of earnings)to these programs during their employment. In return, they and their families receive benefits from the system on the basis of their contributions. Such benefits include: pensions on retirement, which are relatively low, representing about a quarter of one's average earnings; medical care for the elderly and disabled under Medicare; disability payments; illness and accident provisions; and finally unemployment payments. In many ways, itis more like a social insurance program ,by European standards at least.

However, Society Security does not cover all the bills incurred, and therefore provision for old age ,illness, and unemployment often has to be supplemented by additional private resources, such as savings, investments,  and insurance policies. In many cases, employers and trade unions also provide additional retirement, unemployment, health care, and life insurance services for employees. These are mainly paid by employers or unions, but can also include financial contributions from workers.

Welfare programs are designed to provide financial help for the needy and poor. Additionally, they also provide job training and rehabilitation programs for those in need, such as the unemployed and the sick. Furthermore, for those homeless and foodless people, welfare institutions are responsible to shelter and feed them.  For all these programs, government of all levels, federal, state, and local, is involved with varying level of financial resources. Local community institutions, churches, charitable groups, and voluntary service organizations also playa large part. In this sense, there is no single welfare system, but rather a mosaic of measures created to assist those in need.

The cost of welfare programs has been traditionally shared by federal,  sate, and local governments. Generally, federal funds are distributed to the states,  which are supposed to spend equal amount of money to match the federal funds. At the state level,  however,  in addition to the funds for federal-state revenue-sharing or revenue-matching welfare programs, states may provide additional funds for their own welfare programs, depending on their financial capability, public opinion, and political leadership. On the whole, welfare programs are better provided in northern states than in southern states. Whatever the case, each state devises and organizes its own program, defines the  threshold for welfare relief, and decides, on the basis of its budget, which families and individuals are qualified for assistance.

Until 1996,the U.S. federal welfare consists of the following four programs: Medicaid, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Food Stamps, and General Assistance. Medicaid is a health scheme and is the largest direct federal aid program for citizens under 65.It is meant to provide health care for those who do not have private health insurance ordo not have the financial ability to pay for a range of medical requirements.  Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)used to be the second largest federal aid program to the poor. Payments to the disabled and families with children were based on need and the official poverty line was used as a guideline. Like other welfare programs, AFDC payments varied from state to state, with southern states paying less than northern states. In 1996,AFDC was abolished, and the responsibility was passed on to the states, which receive federal grants to run their own programs. There is a five-year lifetime limit on this welfare benefit and most recipients will have to enroll in workfare schemes. The third largest welfare program derives from the 1964 Food Stamp Act. It provides coupons that are used by eligible needy people to buy food in approved  shops at an average national rate of some one-third of its normal price. Finally, the General Assistance scheme provides income support,  cash grants, aid for housing, school meals, Supplemental Security Income for the elderly poor and help with other basic necessities.

Seemingly comprehensive and well-developed, the federal welfare system does not provide adequate help for the most needy. People who are unemployed for long periods, for example, may receive little help form the government. Similarly, those who do not enroll in workfare may find their benefits greatly curtailed or even completely denied. Clearly, except for the disabled, employment is a crucial factor for most Americans, without which they cannot receive much public assistance. Take there structured AFDC, for example, those who receive help from it must find a job after two years, or all the benefits will automatically discontinue right away. This is the so-called “workfare'"(work+ welfare) programs, by which recipients are required to work or to participate in job training programs while still on welfare. By providing remedial education, vocational training, and child care, state governments want to encourage welfare recipients to get jobs with decent wages and prospects for long-term employment. Although certain exemptions have been made for families with preschool children, for most Americans, however, it is a matter of sink or swim situation. In other words, Americans want there recipients of welfare to be temporary rather than permanent, demonstrating their long-held values in social services, namely Protestant work ethic, self-reliance, self-responsibility, and social Darwinism.










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