在应用程序中经常需要查询数据。当查询结果数据量比较大的时候,检索结果、界面显示都需要花费大量的时间。为了避免这个问题,应该每次只检索部分数据,也就是使用常见的分页方式来处理。分页的问题在asp.net中好像非常简单,只要在GridView中启用分页就可以了。启用分页后,GridView关联数据源控件,依旧会加载所有的数据。这个解决方法只是“掩耳盗铃” ,会导致在大数据量的情况下导致查询的效率变低。
GridView 分页实现,可以参考 Scott Mitchell 文章 Efficiently Paging Through Large Amounts of Data
本文组要介绍如何在使用SQL Server 实现排序获取分页数据。
if object_id('GetStudentPaged') is not null drop procedure GetStudentPaged; go /************************************ * 描述: 查找指定范围的记录 * 参数:@startRow 其实记录 * @maximumRows 最大的记录数量 *************************************/ create procedure GetStudentPaged @startRow int, @maxmimumRows int as select top (@maxmimumRows) * from Student where StudentId NOT IN( select top(@startRow) StudentId from Student ) go |
create procedure GetStudentPaged @startRow int, @maxmimumRows int, @whereExpression nvarchar(512) as --存储SQL语句的字符串 declare @sql nvarchar(max) set @sql = N'Select Top(' + ltrim(str(@maxmimumRows)) + N') * ' set @sql = @sql + N' from Student where ' --判断是否有查询条件 if @whereExpression is not null and @whereExpression <> N'' begin set @sql = @sql + @whereExpression + N' and ' end set @sql = @sql + N'StudentId NOT IN (' set @sql = @sql + N'Select Top('+ ltrim(str(@startRow)) + ') StudentId from Student ' if @whereExpression is not null and @whereExpression <> N'' begin set @sql = @sql + N' where ' + @whereExpression end set @sql = @sql + ')' --print @sql execute sp_executesql @sql go |
create procedure GetStudentPaged @startRow int, @maxmimumRows int, @whereExpression nvarchar(512), @sortExpression nvarchar(512) as --存储SQL语句的字符串 declare @sql nvarchar(max) set @sql = N'Select Top(' + ltrim(str(@maxmimumRows)) + N') * ' set @sql = @sql + N' from Student where ' --判断是否有查询条件 if @whereExpression is not null and @whereExpression <> N'' begin set @sql = @sql + @whereExpression + N' and ' end set @sql = @sql + N'StudentId NOT IN (' set @sql = @sql + N'Select Top('+ ltrim(str(@startRow)) + ') StudentId from Student ' if @whereExpression is not null and @whereExpression <> N'' begin set @sql = @sql + N' where ' + @whereExpression end if @sortExpression is not null and @sortExpression <> N'' begin set @sql = @sql + N' order by ' + @sortExpression end set @sql = @sql + ')' if @sortExpression is not null and @sortExpression <> N'' begin set @sql = @sql + N' order by ' + @sortExpression end --print @sql execute sp_executesql @sql go |
create table Student ( StudentId uniqueidentifier not null, Name varchar(128) not null, Sex bit not null, BirthDate datetime not null, Nation varchar(128) not null, NativePlace varchar(128) not null, Address varchar(256) null, Photo image null, Memo varchar(512) null, StudentStatus varchar(56) null ) go |
declare @i int set @i = 0; while(@i<10000) begin insert into Student(StudentId,[Name],Sex,BirthDate, Nation,NativePlace,[Address],Photo,Memo,StudentStatus) values(NewId(),'Rain' + str(@i),floor(rand(2)),DateAdd(year,-10,getdate()),'汉族','四川','Now address',null,'test','在读') set @i = @i + 1 end |
use TeachMis; go if object_id('GetStudentPaged') is not null drop procedure GetStudentPaged; go create procedure GetStudentPaged @startRow int, @maxmimumRows int, @whereExpression nvarchar(512), @sortExpression nvarchar(512) as if (object_id('tempdb..#Student') is not null) drop table #Student; go --产生没有记录的临时表 SELECT identity(int,1,1) as RowId ,[StudentId] ,[Name] ,[Sex] ,[BirthDate] ,[Nation] ,[NativePlace] ,[Address] ,[Photo] ,[Memo] ,[StudentStatus] into #Student FROM [Student] where 1=0 declare @sql nvarchar(max) set @sql = 'insert into #Student SELECT [StudentId] ,[Name] ,[Sex] ,[BirthDate] ,[Nation] ,[NativePlace] ,[Address] ,[Photo] ,[Memo] ,[StudentStatus] FROM [Student]' if @whereExpression is not null and @whereExpression <> '' begin set @sql = @sql + ' where ' + @whereExpression end if @sortExpression is not null and @sortExpression <> '' begin set @sql = @sql + 'order by ' + @sortExpression end execute sp_executesql @sql select [StudentId] ,[Name] ,[Sex] ,[BirthDate] ,[Nation] ,[NativePlace] ,[Address] ,[Photo] ,[Memo] ,[StudentStatus] from #Student where RowId between @startRow and @startRow + @maximumRows -1 order by RowId go |
3.使用 SQL Server 2005 的 CTE 表达式实现。
具体可以参考 Scott Mitchell 文章 Efficiently Paging Through Large Amounts of Data