工作流程:打开设备 —> 检查和设置设备属性 —> 设置帧格式 —> 设置一种输入输出方法(缓冲区管理) —> 循环获取数据 —> 数据解码 —> 显示在lcd上 —> 关闭设备。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/videodev2.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <linux/fb.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
unsigned int *lcdptr = NULL; //lcd映射内存首地址
int lcd_width; //lcd屏幕宽
int lcd_height; //lcd屏幕高
int camera_width = 640; //camere屏幕宽
int camera_height = 480; //camera屏幕高
void lcd_show_rgb(unsigned char *rgbdata,int width,int height); //在lcd上显示
int YUV2RGB(void* pYUV, void* pRGB, int width, int height, bool alphaYUV, bool alphaRGB); //YUYV格式转换为RGB格式
int main(void)
int lcdfd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR); //打开 LCD屏幕
if(lcdfd < 0)
struct fb_var_screeninfo lcdvar;
ioctl(lcdfd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO , &lcdvar);
lcd_width = lcdvar.xres;
lcd_height = lcdvar.yres;
//4 = 透明度 + RGB
lcdptr = (unsigned int *)mmap( NULL, lcd_width*lcd_height*4 , //映射fb内存空间长度
MAP_SHARED, //进程间共享机制
lcdfd, //lcd的文件描述符
int fd = open("/dev/video1",O_RDWR); //video0 或 video1
if(fd < 0)
return -1;
//2.获取摄像头支持的格式 ioctl(文件描述符,命令,与命令对应的结构体)
//查询并显示所有支持的格式:VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT ,获取对应结构体
/*struct v4l2_fmtdesc
u32 index; // 要查询的格式序号,应用程序设置
enum v4l2_buf_type type; // 帧类型,应用程序设置
u32 flags; // 是否为压缩格式
u8 description[32]; // 格式名称
u32 pixelformat; // 格式
u32 reserved[4]; // 保留
struct v4l2_format
enum v4l2_buf_type type; // 帧类型,应用程序设置
union fmt
struct v4l2_pix_format pix; // 视频设备使用
struct v4l2_window win;
struct v4l2_vbi_format vbi;
struct v4l2_sliced_vbi_format sliced;
u8 raw_data[200];
struct v4l2_pix_format
u32 width; // 帧宽,单位像素
u32 height; // 帧高,单位像素
u32 pixelformat; // 帧格式
enum v4l2_field field;
u32 bytesperline;
u32 sizeimage;
enum v4l2_colorspace colorspace;
u32 priv;
struct v4l2_format vfmt;
vfmt.type=V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; //设置类型摄像头采集
vfmt.fmt.pix.width = camera_width; //设置宽
vfmt.fmt.pix.height = camera_height; //设置高
vfmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV; //根据摄像头设置格式
int ret;
ret = ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &vfmt);
if(ret < 0)
printf("Current data format information:\n\twidth:%d\n\theight:%d\n",vfmt.fmt.pix.width,vfmt.fmt.pix.height);
//应用程序和设备有三种交换数据的方法,直接 read/write、内存映射(memory mapping) 和用户指针。
/*相关函数:int ioctl(int fd, int request, struct v4l2_requestbuffers *argp);
struct v4l2_requestbuffers
u32 count; // 缓冲区内缓冲帧的数目
enum v4l2_buf_type type; // 缓冲帧数据格式
enum v4l2_memory memory; // 区别是内存映射还是用户指针方式
u32 reserved[2];
enum v4l2_memory
//count,type,memory 都要应用程序设置
struct v4l2_requestbuffers reqbuffer;
reqbuffer.count = 4; //申请4个缓冲区
reqbuffer.type=V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; // 缓冲帧数据格式
reqbuffer.memory=V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP; //内存映射
ret = ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &reqbuffer);
if(ret < 0)
//相关函数:int ioctl(int fd, int request, struct v4l2_buffer *argp);
struct v4l2_buffer
u32 index; //buffer 序号
enum v4l2_buf_type type; //buffer 类型
u32 byteused; //buffer 中已使用的字节数
u32 flags; // 区分是MMAP 还是USERPTR
enum v4l2_field field;
struct timeval timestamp; // 获取第一个字节时的系统时间
struct v4l2_timecode timecode;
u32 sequence; // 队列中的序号
enum v4l2_memory memory; //IO 方式,被应用程序设置
union m
u32 offset; // 缓冲帧地址,只对MMAP 有效
unsigned long userptr;
u32 length; // 缓冲帧长度
u32 input;
u32 reserved;
unsigned char *mptr[4]; //保护映射后用户空间的首地址
unsigned int size[4];
struct v4l2_buffer mapbuffer;
for (unsigned int n_buffers = 0; n_buffers < reqbuffer.count; n_buffers++) //count=4个缓冲区
memset(&mapbuffer,0,sizeof(mapbuffer)); //清空
mapbuffer.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; //设置类型摄像头采集
mapbuffer.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP; //内存映射 IO 方式,被应用程序设置
mapbuffer.index = n_buffers; //buffer 序号
// 查询序号为n_buffers 的缓冲区,得到其起始物理地址和大小
ret = ioctl (fd, VIDIOC_QUERYBUF, &mapbuffer); //从内核空间中查询一个空间做映射
if(ret < 0)
mptr[n_buffers] = (unsigned char *)mmap( NULL, mapbuffer.length , //被映射内存块的长度
MAP_SHARED, //进程间共享机制
fd, //摄像头的文件描述符
mapbuffer.m.offset); // 缓冲帧地址,只对MMAP 有效
size[n_buffers]= mapbuffer.length; //保存长度,释放用
//VIDIOC_QBUF// 把帧放入队列
//VIDIOC_DQBUF// 从队列中取出帧
ret = ioctl (fd, VIDIOC_QBUF, &mapbuffer);
if(ret < 0)
ret = ioctl (fd, VIDIOC_STREAMON, &type);
if(ret < 0)
unsigned char rgbdata[camera_width*camera_height*3];
struct v4l2_buffer readbuffer;
readbuffer.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
ret = ioctl (fd, VIDIOC_DQBUF, &readbuffer); // 从缓冲区取出一个缓冲帧
if(ret < 0)
/* //把一帧数据写入文件
FILE *file = fopen("my.yuyv","w+");
fclose(file); */
YUV2RGB(mptr[readbuffer.index], rgbdata,camera_width,camera_height,0,0); //把YUYV数据解码为RGB数据
lcd_show_rgb(rgbdata,camera_width,camera_height); //在开发板lcd上显示
ret = ioctl (fd,VIDIOC_QBUF,&readbuffer);
if(ret < 0)
ret = ioctl (fd,VIDIOC_STREAMOFF,&type);
for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
munmap(mptr[i], size[i]);// 断开映射
return 0;
void lcd_show_rgb(unsigned char *rgbdata,int width,int height) //width、height为摄像头图片的宽高
unsigned int *ptr = lcdptr;
unsigned int lcd_buf[width*height];
for(int i=0;i<width*height;i++)
lcd_buf[i] = rgbdata[3*i+0] | rgbdata[3*i+1]<<8 | rgbdata[3*i+2]<<16 | 0x00<<24;
//蓝色//绿色//红色 //透明度
for(int x=0; x<lcd_width && x<width ;x++)
for(int y=0; y<lcd_height && y<height ; y++)
// 获取lcd屏幕中的偏移量
int lcd_offset = x + lcd_width*y ;
// 获取camera图片中的偏移量
int camera_offset = x + width*(height - y -1);
*(ptr+lcd_offset) = lcd_buf[camera_offset];
return ;
// pYUV point to the YUV data
// pRGB point to the RGB data
// width width of the picture
// height height of the picture
// alphaYUV is there an alpha channel in YUV
// alphaRGB is there an alpha channel in RGB
int YUV2RGB(void* pYUV, void* pRGB, int width, int height, bool alphaYUV, bool alphaRGB)
if (NULL == pYUV)
return -1;
unsigned char* pYUVData = (unsigned char *)pYUV;
unsigned char* pRGBData = (unsigned char *)pRGB;
/*if (NULL == pRGBData)
if (alphaRGB)
pRGBData = new unsigned char[width*height*4];
pRGBData = new unsigned char[width*height*3];
int Y1, U1, V1, Y2, alpha1, alpha2, R1, G1, B1, R2, G2, B2;
int C1, D1, E1, C2;
if (alphaRGB)
if (alphaYUV)
for (int i=0; i<height; ++i)
for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j)
Y1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6); //i*width*3 = i*(width/2)*6
U1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+1);
Y2 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+2);
V1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+3);
alpha1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+4);
alpha2 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+5);
C1 = Y1-16;
C2 = Y2-16;
D1 = U1-128;
E1 = V1-128;
R1 = ((298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);
G1 = ((298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8);
B1 = ((298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8);
R2 = ((298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);
G2 = ((298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8);
B2 = ((298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8);
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+2) = R1<0 ? 0 : R1;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+1) = G1<0 ? 0 : G1;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8) = B1<0 ? 0 : B1;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+3) = alpha1;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+6) = R2<0 ? 0 : R2;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+5) = G2<0 ? 0 : G2;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+4) = B2<0 ? 0 : B2;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+7) = alpha2;
int alpha = 255;
for (int i=0; i<height; ++i)
for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j)
Y1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4);
U1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+1);
Y2 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+2);
V1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+3);
C1 = Y1-16;
C2 = Y2-16;
D1 = U1-128;
E1 = V1-128;
R1 = ((298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);
G1 = ((298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8);
B1 = ((298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8);
R2 = ((298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);
G2 = ((298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8);
B2 = ((298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8);
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+2) = R1<0 ? 0 : R1;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+1) = G1<0 ? 0 : G1;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8) = B1<0 ? 0 : B1;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+3) = alpha;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+6) = R2<0 ? 0 : R2;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+5) = G2<0 ? 0 : G2;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+4) = B2<0 ? 0 : B2;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+7) = alpha;
if (alphaYUV)
for (int i=0; i<height; ++i)
for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j)
Y1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*4);
U1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*4+1);
Y2 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*4+2);
V1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*4+3);
C1 = Y1-16;
C2 = Y2-16;
D1 = U1-128;
E1 = V1-128;
R1 = ((298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);
G1 = ((298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8);
B1 = ((298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8);
R2 = ((298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);
G2 = ((298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8);
B2 = ((298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8);
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+2) = R1<0 ? 0 : R1;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+1) = G1<0 ? 0 : G1;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6) = B1<0 ? 0 : B1;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+5) = R2<0 ? 0 : R2;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+4) = G2<0 ? 0 : G2;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+3) = B2<0 ? 0 : B2;
for (int i=0; i<height; ++i)
for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j)
Y1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4);
U1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+1);
Y2 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+2);
V1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+3);
C1 = Y1-16;
C2 = Y2-16;
D1 = U1-128;
E1 = V1-128;
R1 = ((298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);
G1 = ((298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8);
B1 = ((298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8);
R2 = ((298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);
G2 = ((298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8);
B2 = ((298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8);
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+2) = R1<0 ? 0 : R1;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+1) = G1<0 ? 0 : G1;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6) = B1<0 ? 0 : B1;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+5) = R2<0 ? 0 : R2;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+4) = G2<0 ? 0 : G2;
*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+3) = B2<0 ? 0 : B2;
return 0;
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