
参考文献:UMFPACK Version 5.2.0 User Guide (P23)5.12    Larger examples

Full examples of all user-callable UMFPACK routines are available in four stand-alone C main
programs, umfpack * demo.c(在5.2版本中为umfpack_di_demo.c 搜索的时候*代表umfpacK后面任意字符).  Another example is the UMFPACK mexFunction, umfpackmex.c(在5.2版本中没有发现,why?).The mexFunction accesses only the user-callable C interface to UMFPACK. The only features that it does not use are the support for the triplet form (三元组格式)(MATLAB’s sparse arrays are alreadyin  the  compressed  column  form) (matlab中的稀疏数组已经通过压缩列csc格式存储了) and  the  ability  to  reuse  the  Symbolic  object  to  numerically factorize a matrix whose pattern is the same as a prior matrix analyzed by umfpack * symbolic or umfpack * qsymbolic. The latter is an important feature, but the mexFunction does not return its opaque Symbolic and Numeric objects to MATLAB. Instead, it gets the contents of these objects after extracting them via the umfpack * get * routines, and returns them as MATLAB sparse matrices.

The umf4.c program for reading matrices in Harwell/Boeing format [15] is provided.  It requires three Fortran 77 programs (readhb.f, readhb nozeros.f, and readhb size.f) for reading in the sample Harwell/Boeing files in the UMFPACK/Demo/HB directory.  More matrices are available at Type make  hb in the UMFPACK/Demo/HB directory to compile and run this demo. This program was used for the experimental results in [5].

文献[15]:  I. S. Duff, R. G. Grimes, and J. G. Lewis.  Users’ guide for the harwell-boeing sparse matrix
test collection. Technical report, AERE Harwell Laboratory, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, 1987.

文献[5]:   T. A. Davis. A column pre-ordering strategy for the unsymmetric-pattern multifrontal method.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 30(2):165–195, 2004.





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