第二章 创建webGL设备和绘制缓冲区呈现 Context Creation and Drawing Buffer Presentation

第二章 创建webGL设备和绘制缓冲区呈现 Context Creation and Drawing Buffer Presentation
    在开始使用webGL API之前您先要从现有的HTML Canvas控件中创建一个WebGLRenderingContext对象,有关HTML Canvas的知识将在后边进行介绍




2.1 画布元素 The canvas Element


HTML Canvas规范中定义了试图在同一个Canvas中创建两个或以上不兼容设备时的行为





2.2 绘制缓冲区 The Drawing Buffer



     如果width和height属性没有提供,则不论缓存冲是首次创建,还是HTMLCanvasElement对象的宽高发生变化,一个小面积的缓冲区都将被创建.这个缓冲区的建立取决于webAPI具体实现.并且不保证它们总能符合预期的长宽比例.实际使用的缓冲区的大小可以通过drawingBufferWidthdrawingBufferHeight 属性获得.

By default, the buffers shall be the size shown below.可选参数WebGLContextAttributes可以用来修改无论是否已经定义的缓冲.它也可以用来定义颜色缓冲区是否包含透明通道.如果有定义透明通道那么HTML混合器将使用透明通道与页面其余部分合并.WebGLContextAttributes对象只能在首次调用getContext时使用,在绘制缓冲区建立之后将再没有机会修改它.


     这个默认行为可以通过WebGLContextAttributes对象的preserveDrawingBuffer属性进行修改.如果这个标识为true,缓冲区的内容将被保留,直到用户手动清除或者覆盖.如果该标识为false,那么在渲染方法返回后,以此context为源图像进行一些操作时将会导致undefined错误,这些操作包括readPixels方法或者toDataURL 方法.或者把它作为另外一个context的texImage2D或drawImage时(进行上述操作也将导致undefined错误).

虽然有时候保留缓冲区很方便,但是在某些平台上运行时将可能导致性能损失.只要有可能就应当把它(preserveDrawingBuffer)设置为false,包括使用同步技术获取绘制缓冲区得到绘制缓冲区内容.当需要调用一系列的方法渲染同一个绘制缓冲区时,您可以使用Framebuffer Object对象.

     当开发人员无法获取缓冲区内容的一些情况下,webGL都将保证去优化您对缓冲区执行的指定的清除操作(clear operation).例如,当开发人员明确指定了清除操作,但这并非必须时(Implementations may optimize away the required implicit clear operation of the Drawing Buffer as long as a guarantee can be made that the author cannot gain access to buffer contents from another process. For instance, if the author performs an explicit clear then the implicit clear is not needed.)

2.3 WebGL视图 The WebGL Viewport

     OpenGL管理一个矩形的视图作为它状态(state)的一部分.OpenGL状态(state)在绘制缓冲区里定义了一块存放渲染结果的区域.webGL Context创建后,视图紧接着进行了初始化,并且以(0,0)为源点,Canvas的宽高作为视图的宽和高(Canvas.width,Canvas.height).

     Canvas大小变化时,WebGL不应该影响OpenGL Viewport的状态.




2.3 透明像素,画布接口和texImage2D Premultiplied Alpha,Canvas APIs and texImage2D

    OpenGL API允许程序修改在渲染时使用的混合模型(blending models),基于这个特性,控制绘制缓冲区的透明值如何被解释将成为可能(and for this reason allows control over how alpha values in the drawing buffer are interpreted;),参见WebGLContextAttributes节点中的介绍

     HTML Canvas在实现接口toDataURLdrawImage 必须考虑创建context时指定的透明像素参数.在对已经渲染完毕的Canvas对象调用toDataURL方法时,如果请求的图像没有透明像素而webGL Context的透明像素参数(premultipliedAlpha )指定为true,那么像素的值必须被拨离.颜色通道将被混合操作分离,请注意这个操作会让原图像失真.在绘制过程中,使用CanvasRenderingContext2D对象的drawImage方法可以得到被webGL渲染过的Canvas对象,可以在这里修改(也可以不修改)webGL的内容,这取决于CanvasRenderingContext2D 的预乘(Premultiplication)操作的需要.

预乘(Premultiplication) 定义:一个图像用它自己的RGB通道乘以它自己的ALPHA通道







2 Context Creation and Drawing Buffer Presentation

Before using the WebGL API, the author must obtain a WebGLRenderingContext object for a given HTMLCanvasElement as described below. This object is used to manage OpenGL state and render to the drawing buffer, which must also be created at the time of context creation. The author may supply configuration options for this drawing buffer, otherwise default values shall be used as specified elsewhere in this document. This drawing buffer is presented to the HTML page compositor immediately before an HTML page compositing operation, but only if the drawing buffer has been modified since the last compositing operation.

2.1 The canvas Element

A WebGLRenderingContext object shall be created by calling the getContext() method of a given HTMLCanvasElement [CANVAS] object with the exact string ‘webgl’. This string is case sensitive. When called for the first time, a WebGLRenderingContext object is created and returned. Also at this time a drawing buffer shall be created. Subsequent calls to getContext() with the same string shall return the same object.

The HTML Canvas specification [CANVAS] defines the behavior when attempting to fetch two or more incompatible contexts against the same canvas element.

A second parameter may be passed to the getContext() method. If passed, this parameter shall be a WebGLContextAttributes object containing configuration parameters to be used in creating the drawing buffer. See WebGLContextAttributes for more details.

The alpha, depth, stencil and antialias attributes are requests, not requirements. The WebGL implementation does not guarantee that they will be obeyed, but should make a best effort to honor them. Combinations of attributes not supported by the WebGL implementation or graphics hardware shall not cause a failure to create a WebGLRenderingContext. The attributes actually used to create the context may be queried by the getContextAttributes() method on the WebGLRenderingContext. The premultipliedAlpha and preserveDrawingBuffer attributes must be obeyed by the WebGL implementation.

On subsequent calls to getContext() with the ‘webgl’ string, the passed WebGLContextAttributes object, if any, shall be ignored.

2.2 The Drawing Buffer

The drawing buffer into which the API calls are rendered shall be defined upon creation of the WebGLRenderingContext object. The table below shows all the buffers which make up the drawing buffer, along with their minimum sizes and whether they are defined or not by default. The size of this drawing buffer shall be determined by the width and height attributes of the HTMLCanvasElement. The table below also shows the value to which these buffers shall be cleared when first created, when the size is changed, or after presentation when the preserveDrawingBuffer context creation attribute is false.


If the requested width or height cannot be satisfied, either when the drawing buffer is first created or when the width and height attributes of theHTMLCanvasElement are changed, a drawing buffer with smaller dimensions shall be created. The dimensions actually used are implementation dependent and there is no guarantee that a buffer with the same aspect ratio will be created. The actual drawing buffer size can be obtained from the drawingBufferWidth anddrawingBufferHeight attributes.

By default, the buffers shall be the size shown below. The optional WebGLContextAttributes object may be used to change whether or not the buffers are defined. It can also be used to define whether the color buffer will include an alpha channel. If defined, the alpha channel is used by the HTML compositor to combine the color buffer with the rest of the page. The WebGLContextAttributes object is only used on the first call to getContext. No facility is provided to change the attributes of the drawing buffer after its creation.

WebGL presents its drawing buffer to the HTML page compositor immediately before a compositing operation, but only if the drawing buffer has been modified since the last compositing operation. Before the drawing buffer is presented for compositing the implementation shall ensure that all rendering operations have been flushed to the drawing buffer. By default, after compositing the contents of the drawing buffer shall be cleared to their default values, as shown in the table above.

This default behavior can be changed by setting the preserveDrawingBuffer attribute of the WebGLContextAttributes object. If this flag is true, the contents of the drawing buffer shall be preserved until the author either clears or overwrites them. If this flag is false, attempting to perform operations using this context as a source image after the rendering function has returned can lead to undefined behavior. This includes readPixels or toDataURL calls, or using this context as the source image of another context's texImage2D or drawImage call.

While it is sometimes desirable to preserve the drawing buffer, it can cause significant performance loss on some platforms. Whenever possible this flag should remain false and other techniques used. Techniques like synchronous drawing buffer access (e.g., calling readPixels or toDataURL in the same function that renders to the drawing buffer) can be used to get the contents of the drawing buffer. If the author needs to render to the same drawing buffer over a series of calls, a Framebuffer Object can be used.

Implementations may optimize away the required implicit clear operation of the Drawing Buffer as long as a guarantee can be made that the author cannot gain access to buffer contents from another process. For instance, if the author performs an explicit clear then the implicit clear is not needed.

2.3 The WebGL Viewport

OpenGL manages a rectangular viewport as part of its state which defines the placement of the rendering results in the drawing buffer. Upon creation of the WebGL context, the viewport is initialized to a rectangle with origin at (0, 0) and width and height equal to (canvas.width, canvas.height).

A WebGL implementation shall not affect the state of the OpenGL viewport in response to resizing of the canvas element.

Note that if a WebGL program does not contain logic to set the viewport, it will not properly handle the case where the canvas is resized. The following ECMAScript example illustrates how a WebGL program might resize the canvas programmatically.

var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas1');var gl = canvas.getContext('webgl');canvas.width = newWidth;canvas.height = newHeight;gl.viewport(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);        

Rationale: automatically setting the viewport will interfere with applications that set it manually. Applications are expected to use onresize handlers to respond to changes in size of the canvas and set the OpenGL viewport in turn.

2.4 Premultiplied Alpha, Canvas APIs and texImage2D

The OpenGL API allows the application to modify the blending modes used during rendering, and for this reason allows control over how alpha values in the drawing buffer are interpreted; see the premultipliedAlpha parameter in the WebGLContextAttributes section.

The HTML Canvas APIs toDataURL and drawImage must respect the premultipliedAlpha context creation parameter. When toDataURL is called against a Canvas into which WebGL content is being rendered, then if the requested image format does not specify premultiplied alpha and the WebGL context has thepremultipliedAlpha parameter set to true, then the pixel values must be de-multiplied; i.e., the color channels are divided by the alpha channel. Note that this operation is lossy.

Passing a WebGL-rendered Canvas to the drawImage method of CanvasRenderingContext2D may or may not need to modify the the rendered WebGL content during the drawing operation, depending on the premultiplication needs of the CanvasRenderingContext2D implementation.

When passing a WebGL-rendered Canvas to the texImage2D API, then depending on the setting of the premultipliedAlpha context creation parameter of the passed canvas and the UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL pixel store parameter of the destination WebGL context, the pixel data may need to be changed to or from premultiplied form.

posted @ 2011-08-02 13:29  kkun  阅读(1733)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报