
typedef struct task_node 
  void *arg;                    /* fun arg. */
  void *(*fun) (void *);        /* the real work of the task. */
  pthread_t tid;                /* which thread exec this task. */
  int work_id;                  /* task id. */
  int flag;                     /* 1: assigned, 0: unassigned. */
  struct task_node *next;        
  pthread_mutex_t mutex;        /* when modify this ds and exec the work,lock the task ds. */

*the ds  of the task_queue
typedef struct task_queue 
  pthread_mutex_t mutex;
  pthread_cond_t cond;          /* when no task, the manager thread wait for ;when a new task come, signal. */
  struct task_node *head;       /* point to the task_link. */
  int number;                   /* current number of task, include unassinged and assigned but no finished. */

*the ds of every thread, make all thread in a double link queue.
typedef struct pthread_node 
  pthread_t tid;               /* the pid of this thread in kernel,the value is  syscall return . */
  int flag;                    /*  1:busy, 0:free. */
  struct task_node *work;      /*  if exec a work, which work. */
  struct pthread_node *next;
  struct pthread_node *prev;
  pthread_cond_t cond;        /* when assigned a task, signal this child thread by manager. */
  pthread_mutex_t mutex; 

*the ds of the thread queue
typedef struct pthread_queue 
  int number;                  /* the number of thread in this queue. */
  struct pthread_node *head;
  struct pthread_node *rear;
  pthread_cond_t cond;        /* when no idle thread, the manager wait for ,or when a thread return with idle, signal. */
  pthread_mutex_t mutex; 




3、线程池struct pthread_queue,用于管理线程,有线程的首指针和尾指针,线程的个数number,线程池在代码中包括空闲线程和工作线程两大类,分别用两个变量表示

4、线程struc pthread_node,对应线程。包括线程的id,工作状态,此线程要运行的任务task_node指针,用于找到任务,然后 struct pthread_node *next;struct pthread_node *prev形成一个线程结构的双向链表



PTHREAD_QUEUE_T * pthread_queue_idle;    /* the idle thread double link queue. */     
PTHREAD_QUEUE_T *pthread_queue_busy;      /* the work thread double link queue. */
TASK_QUEUE_T *task_queue_head;            /* the task queuee single link list. */

main (int argc, char *argv[]) 
  pthread_t thread_manager_tid, task_manager_tid, monitor_id;
  init_system ();
  pthread_create (&thread_manager_tid, NULL, thread_manager, NULL);  /* create thread to manage the thread pool. */
  pthread_create (&task_manager_tid, NULL, task_manager, NULL);    /* create thread recive task from client. */
  pthread_create (&monitor_id, NULL, monitor, NULL);               /* create thread to monitor the system info. */
  pthread_join (thread_manager_tid, NULL);
  pthread_join (task_manager_tid, NULL);
  pthread_join (monitor_id, NULL);
  sys_clean ();
  return 0;



pthread_create (&thread_manager_tid, NULL, thread_manager, NULL);


 pthread_create (&task_manager_tid, NULL, task_manager, NULL);



void *
thread_manager (void *ptr) 
  while (1)
    THREAD_NODE * temp_thread = NULL;      
    TASK_NODE * temp_task = NULL;      

         *get a new task, and modify the task_queue.
         *if no task block om task_queue_head->cond.
    pthread_mutex_lock (&task_queue_head->mutex);      

    if (task_queue_head->number == 0)        
      pthread_cond_wait (&task_queue_head->cond,

    temp_task = task_queue_head->head;      
    task_queue_head->head = task_queue_head->head->next;      

    pthread_mutex_unlock (&task_queue_head->mutex);

         *get a new idle thread, and modify the idle_queue.
         *if no idle thread, block on pthread_queue_idle->cond.
        pthread_mutex_lock (&pthread_queue_idle->mutex);      

    if (pthread_queue_idle->number == 0)        
      pthread_cond_wait (&pthread_queue_idle->cond,

    temp_thread = pthread_queue_idle->head;
        /*if this is the last idle thread ,modiry the head and rear pointor */ 
    if (pthread_queue_idle->head == pthread_queue_idle->rear)
      pthread_queue_idle->head = NULL;
      pthread_queue_idle->rear = NULL;
        /*if idle thread number>2, get the first one,modify the head pointor  */ 
      pthread_queue_idle->head = pthread_queue_idle->head->next;
      pthread_queue_idle->head->prev = NULL;
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&pthread_queue_idle->mutex);      

        /*modify the  task attribute. */ 
    pthread_mutex_lock (&temp_task->mutex);
    temp_task->tid = temp_thread->tid;
    temp_task->next = NULL;
    temp_task->flag = 1;
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&temp_task->mutex);      

        /*modify the idle thread attribute. */ 
    pthread_mutex_lock (&temp_thread->mutex);
    temp_thread->flag = 1;
    temp_thread->work = temp_task;
    temp_thread->next = NULL;
    temp_thread->prev = NULL;
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&temp_thread->mutex);      

        /*add the thread assinged task to the busy queue. */ 
    pthread_mutex_lock (&pthread_queue_busy->mutex);      

        /*if this is the first one in busy queue */ 
    if (pthread_queue_busy->head == NULL)        
       pthread_queue_busy->head = temp_thread;          
      pthread_queue_busy->rear = temp_thread;          
      temp_thread->prev = temp_thread->next = NULL;        
            /*insert in thre front of the queue */ 
      pthread_queue_busy->head->prev = temp_thread;          
      temp_thread->prev = NULL;          
      temp_thread->next = pthread_queue_busy->head;          
      pthread_queue_busy->head = temp_thread;          
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&pthread_queue_busy->mutex);      

        /*signal the child thread to exec the work */ 
    pthread_cond_signal (&temp_thread->cond);    
View Code



temp_task->tid = temp_thread->tid;
temp_task->next = NULL;
temp_task->flag = 1;



temp_thread->flag = 1;
temp_thread->work = temp_task;
temp_thread->next = NULL;
temp_thread->prev = NULL;


最后我们修改我们的线程池thread_queue,这包括空闲线程池和工作线程池(因为我们声明了两个struct thread_queue的变量),第一个已经修改了空闲线程池,这一步我们修改工作线程池,把这个线程加入工作线程中

pthread_cond_signal (&temp_thread->cond);  //结尾我们通知,堵塞在这里的工作线程work_thread,你们可以开始工作了,因为上面的步骤,就是为工作线程争取任务队列,和空闲线程(上面的空闲线程,其实是空闲线程对应的结构体,但是可以通过或许他们,来表示获取线程,真正的线程其实是运行child_work函数的线程。)




工作线程 pthread_create (&temp[i].tid, NULL, child_work, (void *) &temp[i]); 这里才是创建工作线程的地方


void *
child_work (void *ptr) 
  THREAD_NODE * self = (THREAD_NODE *) ptr;
  /*modify the tid attribute the first time exec */ 
  pthread_mutex_lock (&self->mutex);
  self->tid = syscall (SYS_gettid);
  pthread_mutex_unlock (&self->mutex);
  while (1)
    pthread_mutex_lock (&self->mutex);
    /*if no task exec,blocked */ 
    if (NULL == self->work)
      pthread_cond_wait (&self->cond, &self->mutex);
    pthread_mutex_lock (&self->work->mutex);
    /*execute the real work. */ 
    self->work->fun (self->work->arg);
    /*after finished the work */ 
    self->work->fun = NULL;
    self->work->flag = 0;
    self->work->tid = 0;
    self->work->next = NULL;
    free (self->work->arg);
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&self->work->mutex);  //unlock the task
    pthread_mutex_destroy (&self->work->mutex);
    /*free the task space */ 
    free (self->work);
    /*make self thread no work */ 
    self->work = NULL;
    self->flag = 0;
    pthread_mutex_lock (&task_queue_head->mutex);

         *get new task from the task_link if not NULL.
         *there no idle thread if there are task to do.
         *if on task ,make self idle and add to the idle queue.
    if (task_queue_head->head != NULL)
      TASK_NODE * temp = task_queue_head->head;
      /*get the first task */ 
      task_queue_head->head = task_queue_head->head->next;          

      /*modify self thread attribute */ 
      self->flag = 1;          
      self->work = temp;          
      temp->tid = self->tid;          
      temp->next = NULL;          
      temp->flag = 1;          


      pthread_mutex_unlock (&task_queue_head->mutex);          

      pthread_mutex_unlock (&self->mutex);          

      /*no task need to exec, add self to idle queue and del from busy queue */ 
      pthread_mutex_unlock (&task_queue_head->mutex);        

      pthread_mutex_lock (&pthread_queue_busy->mutex);          

          /*self is the last execte thread */ 
      if (pthread_queue_busy->head == self
                && pthread_queue_busy->rear == self)
        pthread_queue_busy->head = pthread_queue_busy->rear = NULL;              
        self->next = self->prev = NULL;    
          /*the first one thread in busy queue */ 
      else if (pthread_queue_busy->head == self
                     && pthread_queue_busy->rear != self)
        pthread_queue_busy->head = pthread_queue_busy->head->next;              
        pthread_queue_busy->head->prev = NULL;
        self->next = self->prev = NULL;            
            /*the last one thread in busy queue */ 
      else if (pthread_queue_busy->head != self
                     && pthread_queue_busy->rear == self)            
        pthread_queue_busy->rear = pthread_queue_busy->rear->prev;              
        pthread_queue_busy->rear->next = NULL;
        self->next = self->prev = NULL;            
      /*middle one */ 
        self->next->prev = self->prev;              
        self->prev->next = self->next;              
        self->next = self->prev = NULL;            

      pthread_mutex_unlock (&pthread_queue_busy->mutex);          

        /*add self to the idle queue */ 
      pthread_mutex_lock (&pthread_queue_idle->mutex);          

        /*now the idle queue is empty */ 
      if (pthread_queue_idle->head == NULL
                || pthread_queue_idle->head == NULL)
        pthread_queue_idle->head = pthread_queue_idle->rear = self;              
        self->next = self->prev = NULL;            
        self->next = pthread_queue_idle->head;              
        self->prev = NULL;              
        self->next->prev = self;
        pthread_queue_idle->head = self;              

      pthread_mutex_unlock (&pthread_queue_idle->mutex);          

      pthread_mutex_unlock (&self->mutex);          

        /*signal have idle thread */ 
      pthread_cond_signal (&pthread_queue_idle->cond);    
View Code


/*make self thread no work */
self->work = NULL;
self->flag = 0;



/*signal have idle thread */ 

pthread_cond_signal (&pthread_queue_idle->cond);




init_system ();

void  create_pthread_pool (void);


create_pthread_pool (void) 
  THREAD_NODE * temp =
    (THREAD_NODE *) malloc (sizeof (THREAD_NODE) * THREAD_DEF_NUM);
  if (temp == NULL)
    printf (" malloc failure\n");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    /*init as a double link queue */ 
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < THREAD_DEF_NUM; i++)
    temp[i].tid = i + 1;      
    temp[i].work = NULL;      
    temp[i].flag = 0;      

    if (i == THREAD_DEF_NUM - 1)        
      temp[i].next = NULL;
    if (i == 0)        
      temp[i].prev = NULL;
    temp[i].prev = &temp[i - 1];      
    temp[i].next = &temp[i + 1];      

    pthread_cond_init (&temp[i].cond, NULL);      
    pthread_mutex_init (&temp[i].mutex, NULL);      

        /*create this thread */ 
    pthread_create (&temp[i].tid, NULL, child_work, (void *) &temp[i]);    

    /*modify the idle thread queue attribute */ 
  pthread_mutex_lock (&pthread_queue_idle->mutex);  

  pthread_queue_idle->number = THREAD_DEF_NUM;  
  pthread_queue_idle->head = &temp[0];  
  pthread_queue_idle->rear = &temp[THREAD_DEF_NUM - 1];  

  pthread_mutex_unlock (&pthread_queue_idle->mutex);

*init_system :init the system glob pointor.
init_system (void) 
    /*init the pthread_queue_idle */ 
  pthread_queue_idle =
    (PTHREAD_QUEUE_T *) malloc (sizeof (PTHREAD_QUEUE_T));
  pthread_queue_idle->number = 0;  
  pthread_queue_idle->head = NULL;  
  pthread_queue_idle->rear = NULL;  
  pthread_mutex_init (&pthread_queue_idle->mutex, NULL);  
  pthread_cond_init (&pthread_queue_idle->cond, NULL);  

    /*init the pthread_queue_busy */ 
    pthread_queue_busy =
    (PTHREAD_QUEUE_T *) malloc (sizeof (PTHREAD_QUEUE_T));
  pthread_queue_busy->number = 0;  
  pthread_queue_busy->head = NULL;  
  pthread_queue_busy->rear = NULL;  
  pthread_mutex_init (&pthread_queue_busy->mutex, NULL);  
  pthread_cond_init (&pthread_queue_busy->cond, NULL);  

    /*init the task_queue_head */ 
    task_queue_head = (TASK_QUEUE_T *) malloc (sizeof (TASK_QUEUE_T));
  task_queue_head->head = NULL;  
  task_queue_head->number = 0;  
  pthread_cond_init (&task_queue_head->cond, NULL);  
  pthread_mutex_init (&task_queue_head->mutex, NULL);  

    /*create thread poll */ 
  create_pthread_pool ();
View Code



 for (i = 0; i < THREAD_DEF_NUM; i++)
    temp[i].tid = i + 1;      
    temp[i].work = NULL;      
    temp[i].flag = 0;      

    if (i == THREAD_DEF_NUM - 1)        
      temp[i].next = NULL;
    if (i == 0)        
      temp[i].prev = NULL;
    temp[i].prev = &temp[i - 1];      
    temp[i].next = &temp[i + 1];      

    pthread_cond_init (&temp[i].cond, NULL);      
    pthread_mutex_init (&temp[i].mutex, NULL);      

        /*create this thread */ 
    pthread_create (&temp[i].tid, NULL, child_work, (void *) &temp[i]);    







posted @ 2015-04-25 13:49  kkshaq  阅读(695)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报