
1. Go语言中的值类型和引用类型

  • 值类型:int,float,bool,string,struct数组 (数组要特别注意,别搞混了)


  • 引用类型:slice,map,chan和值类型对应的指针



2. new() vs make()


var i int

var s string 


var i int // 值类型
i = 10
fmt.Println(i) // 10

var p *int // 引用类型
*p = 10
fmt.Println(*p) //panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference

从例子可以看到,当对指针p进行赋值的时候,出现了panic,提示p 是无效的内存地址或是空指针引用。也就是说,对于引用类型的变量,我们不仅要声明变量(这仅仅是给变量取个名字),更重要的是,我们得手动为它分配空间!好在Go中还有GC,如果是C/C++,对于指针类型,除了手动申请空间,更要手动释放空间。

new()方法就是为 int/bool/struct等 值类型分配内存空间,返回相应类型的指针;而make()就是专为slice,map,channel分配空间。




// The new built-in function allocates memory. The first argument is a type,
// not a value, and the value returned is a pointer to a newly
// allocated zero value of that type.
func new(Type) *Type


var p *int // 引用类型,或者写成 p := new(int)
p = new(int)
*p = 10
fmt.Println(*p) // 10 




// The make built-in function allocates and initializes an object of type
// slice, map, or chan (only). Like new, the first argument is a type, not a
// value. Unlike new, make's return type is the same as the type of its
// argument, not a pointer to it. The specification of the result depends on
// the type:
//    Slice: The size specifies the length. The capacity of the slice is
//    equal to its length. A second integer argument may be provided to
//    specify a different capacity; it must be no smaller than the
//    length. For example, make([]int, 0, 10) allocates an underlying array
//    of size 10 and returns a slice of length 0 and capacity 10 that is
//    backed by this underlying array.
//    Map: An empty map is allocated with enough space to hold the
//    specified number of elements. The size may be omitted, in which case
//    a small starting size is allocated.
//    Channel: The channel's buffer is initialized with the specified
//    buffer capacity. If zero, or the size is omitted, the channel is
//    unbuffered.
func make(t Type, size ...IntegerType) Type


posted @ 2020-03-21 17:25  kkbill  阅读(1818)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报