CTRL-Space always toggles Chinese IME (Windows 7、10)



  1. Go to Start > Type in regedit and start it (打开运行输入regedit)
  2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Input Method/Hot Keys(定位到这个位置)
  3. Select the key named:(选择以下俩个语言)
    • 00000070 for the Chinese (Traditional) IME - Ime/NonIme Toggle hotkey
    • 00000010 for the Chinese (Simplified) IME - Ime/NonIme Toggle hotkey
    In the right sub-window, there are three subkeys.(ctrl和空格的十六进制表示)
    • Key Modifiers designate Alt/Ctrl/Shift/etc and is set to Ctrl (02c00000).
    • Virtual Key designates the finishing key and is set to Space (20000000).
  4. Change the first byte in Key Modifiers from 02 to 00(修改)
  5. Change the first byte in Virtual Key from 20 to FF(修改)
  6. Log off and log back on. I don't think it's necessary to restart.(注销并重新登录)
  7. Do not change the Hot keys for input languages in Control Panel, unless you want to do this all over again.




posted @ 2016-12-26 14:35  亲福  阅读(571)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报