
// DLog is almost a drop-in replacement for NSLog  
// DLog();  
// DLog(@"here");  
// DLog(@"value: %d", x);  
// Unfortunately this doesn't work DLog(aStringVariable); you have to do this instead DLog(@"%@", aStringVariable);  
#ifdef DEBUG  
#   define DLog(fmt, ...) NSLog((@"%s [Line %d] " fmt), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__);  
#   define DLog(...)  
// ALog always displays output regardless of the DEBUG setting  
#define ALog(fmt, ...) NSLog((@"%s [Line %d] " fmt), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__);  
posted @ 2012-09-27 23:28  我的程序人生  阅读(163)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报