
1. Why not sqlite? a. Can not mutitasking. b. Lack of advanced function. c. Security Issues.

2. In postgreSQL, there are two components; server and client. The most popular clinet is psycopg2, and the port number is 5432.

3. The use of psycopg2 is similar as SQLite:

  import psycopg2
  conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=dq user=dq") #Because it can run mutiple database in the same time, so for each database we need to define user.
  cur = conn.cursor()

4. Create a table in psycopg2:

  quest = "create table notes(id integer primary key, body text, title text);"



5. SQL transaction: in PostgreSQL, we use transaction to hold the data in pending status after executing them. And then we use commit() function to apply them into the database.

  query = "create table notes(id integer primary key, body text, title text)"


  conn.commit() #apply the query into the database


6. If we do not want to use transaction function, we can enable autocommit function:

  onn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=dq user=dq")

  conn.autocommit = True

  cur = conn.cursor()

  cur.execute("CREATE TABLE notes(id integer PRIMARY KEY, body text, title text)")  

7. In postgreSQL, we can create mutiple database in different category:

  conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname = dq user = dq")

  cur = conn.cursor()

  conn.autocommit = True

  cur.execute("create database income owner dq")


8. Delete a database:

  conn.autocommit = True

  cur.execute("drop database income")



posted on 2016-11-28 16:47  阿难1020  阅读(129)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报