How to fix: [DCC Fatal Error] Linux <<project name>>: F2613 Unit "FMX.Forms" not found. by emailx45
[DCC Fatal Error] Linux <<project name>>: F2613 Unit "FMX.Forms" not found. or any other unit not found
--------- Trying compile your project to Linux:
1) do you should be using FMXLinux suite to create your app-Linux, right?
2) but you dont used the FMXLinux to install the necessary files!!!
3) should you be using a "copy" of files from FMXLinux?
4) how to solve this situation?
1) in your IDE, go to
"Tools", "Language", "Delphi", "Library":
---> choice Linux 64-bit
------> add the folder where is the "Release files" to Linux:
----------> C:\<<FMXLinux-folder>>\lib\Release
2) in "Browse Path" add: C:\<<FMXLinux-folder>>\source
3) in "Debug DCU Path" add: C:\<<FMXLinux-folder>>\lib\Debug
and it's all.
now just add your Linux64 SDK in your "SDK Manager"
see on HELP System of RAD Studio:
--- Installing the Platform Assistant on Linux
--- Running the Platform Assistant on Linux
--- Add a New SDK
--- Create a Connection Profile