How to changes the StatusBar color in Android / iOS devices? 作者:Emailx45
NOTE: test in your device for effective usable, because in older Android system needs always tests!
To remedy the incessant madness of some "programmers on call", let's change the color of the app's status bar on Android.
Of course, here, we won't be resetting the color in the OS. Only, it will be changed on our app screen when it is in use.
Finally, remembering that it is not necessary to re-invent the wheel, as it is already ready for our use. Of course, if you're an "excellent" blacksmith, you can do what you want with "your handfuls of raw iron."
With just one or two lines of code, you can send the command to perform your task.
First, we must identify the "units" where the referred command(s) are defined in RAD Studio (Delphi).
Tested in:
-- Motorola G8 - FullHD
-- Android 11 64bits
the units needed could be these:
Delphi: uses Androidapi.Jni.App {GetJActivity} , Androidapi.Jni.GraphicsContentViewText {JWindow} , Androidapi.Jni.JavaTypes {JStringToString()} , Androidapi.Helpers {TAndroidHelper}; var MyJWindow: JWindow; Now, we must run the following command line: procedure TViewFormMain.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin MyJWindow := TAndroidHelper.Activity.getWindow; // interfaced... // // if "value > integer" = Access Violation = Range check error = out of range values MyJWindow.SetStatusBarColor( integer( YourColorDesired ) ); // MyJWindow.SetStatusBarColor( integer( ColorPanel1.Color ) ); // // if you want dont use any variable, like above, try this: // TAndroidHelper.Activity.getWindow.SetStatusBarColor(integer(ColorPanel1.Color)); // in iOS you can use: // SetStatusBarBackgroundColor(aColor); end;
That's it! Although, you will find many other ways to do it, because operating systems have evolved over time, as well as programming languages.
Before, to forge a sword, it was necessary to harvest the "iron" at the source!
Today, you can buy it on "Amazon" or "Alibaba"
good luck!
NOTE: if you used the "NULL" color, then, the colors dont will changes anymore!
You need a "explicity" set a new color, like:
MyJWindow.SetStatusBarColor( integer( ColorPanel1.ColorXXXXXXX ) );