KingbaseES V8R6集群运维案例之---数据库实例initdb后配置

KingbaseES V8R6集群在数据库实例启动时需加载repmgr插件,并且具有集群管理的用户esrep和存储元数据的数据库esrep库;但在手工initdb新的实例后,默认的实例将不包含repmgr extension及esrep库和esrep用户,需要手工配置,完善集群管理应用。

KingbaseES V8R6


如下图所示,需要在kingbase.conf中配置repmgr extension的加载:


test=# \l esrep
                             List of databases
 Name  | Owner  | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    | Access privileges
 esrep | system | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |
(1 row)

test=# \du esrep
           List of roles
 Role name | Attributes | Member of
 esrep     | Superuser  | {}

esrep=# \dx repmgr
                 List of installed extensions
  Name  | Version | Schema |           Description
 repmgr | 5.1     | repmgr | Replication manager for Kingbase


[kingbase@node101 bin]$ ./initdb -U system -W -E utf8 --enable-ci -D /data/kingbase/has/data


[kingbase@node101 bin]$ cat /data/kingbase/has/data/kingbase.conf|grep -i shared_

shared_preload_libraries = 'liboracle_parser, synonym, plsql, force_view, kdb_flashback,plugin_debugger, plsql_plugin_debugger, plsql_plprofiler, ora_commands,
kdb_ora_expr, sepapower, dblink, sys_kwr, sys_ksh, sys_spacequota, sys_stat_statements, backtrace, kdb_utils_function, auto_bmr, sys_squeeze, src_restrict'



prod=# \l esrep
                             List of databases
 Name  | Owner  | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    | Access privileges

(0 row)

prod=# \du esrep
           List of roles
 Role name | Attributes | Member of

三、配置repmgr extension及esrep用户和库

1、加载repmgr extension


test=# create database esrep;
test=# create user esrep with superuser password 'Kingbaseha110';

test=# alter user esrep with superuser;
test=# \du esrep
           List of roles
 Role name | Attributes | Member of
 esrep     | Superuser  | {}

3、创建repmgr extension

test=# \c esrep
You are now connected to database "esrep" as user "system".
esrep=# create extension repmgr;

4、查看repmgr schema下的对象

如下所示,在创建repmgr extension后,自动创建repmgr schema及集群元数据存储对象:

esrep=# \d repmgr.*
                Table "repmgr.conf"
 Column  |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default
 node_id | integer |           | not null |
 key     | text    |           | not null |
 value   | text    |           | not null |

                                 Table ""
     Column      |           Type           | Collation | Nullable |      Default
 node_id         | integer                  |           | not null |
 event           | text                     |           | not null |
 successful      | boolean                  |           | not null | true
 event_timestamp | timestamp with time zone |           | not null | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
 details         | text                     |           |          |

               Index "repmgr.idx_monitoring_history_time"
      Column       |           Type           | Key? |    Definition
 last_monitor_time | timestamp with time zone | yes  | last_monitor_time
 standby_node_id   | integer                  | yes  | standby_node_id
btree, for table "repmgr.monitoring_history"

                           Table "repmgr.monitoring_history"
          Column           |           Type           | Collation | Nullable | Default
 primary_node_id           | integer                  |           | not null |
 standby_node_id           | integer                  |           | not null |
 last_monitor_time         | timestamp with time zone |           | not null |
 last_apply_time           | timestamp with time zone |           |          |
 last_wal_primary_location | pg_lsn                   |           | not null |
 last_wal_standby_location | pg_lsn                   |           |          |
 replication_lag           | bigint                   |           | not null |
 apply_lag                 | bigint                   |           | not null |
    "idx_monitoring_history_time" btree (last_monitor_time, standby_node_id)

                                  Table "repmgr.nodes"
      Column      |            Type            | Collation | Nullable |     Default
 node_id          | integer                    |           | not null |
 upstream_node_id | integer                    |           |          |
 active           | boolean                    |           | not null | true
 node_name        | text                       |           | not null |
 type             | text                       |           | not null |
 location         | text                       |           | not null | 'default'::text
 priority         | integer                    |           | not null | 100
 conninfo         | text                       |           | not null |
 repluser         | character varying(63 char) |           | not null |
 slot_name        | text                       |           |          |
 config_file      | text                       |           | not null |
 primary_seen     | boolean                    |           |          |
 lsn              | pg_lsn                     |           |          |
    "nodes_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (node_id)
Check constraints:
    "nodes_type_check" CHECK (type = ANY (ARRAY['primary'::text, 'standby'::text, 'witness'::text, 'bdr'::text]))
Foreign-key constraints:
    "nodes_upstream_node_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (upstream_node_id) REFERENCES repmgr.nodes(node_id) DEFERRABLE
Referenced by:
    TABLE "repmgr.nodes" CONSTRAINT "nodes_upstream_node_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (upstream_node_id) REFERENCES repmgr.nodes(node_id) DEFERRABLE

       Index "repmgr.nodes_pkey"
 Column  |  Type   | Key? | Definition
 node_id | integer | yes  | node_id
primary key, btree, for table "repmgr.nodes"

                           View "repmgr.replication_status"
          Column           |           Type           | Collation | Nullable | Default
 primary_node_id           | integer                  |           |          |
 standby_node_id           | integer                  |           |          |
 standby_name              | text                     |           |          |
 node_type                 | text                     |           |          |
 active                    | boolean                  |           |          |
 last_monitor_time         | timestamp with time zone |           |          |
 last_wal_primary_location | pg_lsn                   |           |          |
 last_wal_standby_location | pg_lsn                   |           |          |
 replication_lag           | text                     |           |          |
 replication_time_lag      | pg_catalog.interval      |           |          |
 apply_lag                 | text                     |           |          |
 communication_time_lag    | pg_catalog.interval      |           |          |

                   View "repmgr.show_nodes"
       Column       |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default
 node_id            | integer |           |          |
 node_name          | text    |           |          |
 active             | boolean |           |          |
 upstream_node_id   | integer |           |          |
 upstream_node_name | text    |           |          |
 type               | text    |           |          |
 priority           | integer |           |          |
 conninfo           | text    |           |          |

            Table "repmgr.voting_term"
 Column |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default
 term   | integer |           | not null |
    "voting_term_restrict" UNIQUE, btree ((true))
    voting_term_delete AS
    ON DELETE TO repmgr.voting_term DO INSTEAD NOTHING

 Index "repmgr.voting_term_restrict"
 Column |  Type   | Key? | Definition
 bool   | boolean | yes  | (true)
unique, btree, for table "repmgr.voting_term"

KingbaseES V8R6集群管理需要加载repmgr插件及创建集群管理的数据库esrep和esrep用户,在集群重新初始化实例后,并不包含以上对象,需要配置后,才能用于集群管理。

posted @ 2024-04-01 15:32  KINGBASE研究院  阅读(68)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报