不当使用 union all 导致的SQL解析时间过长的问题优化
在帮助用户优化应用过程中,发现用户大量使用union all 导致SQL解析非常缓慢的问题。考虑到这个问题很有代表意义,我觉得很有必要对于问题进行总结。
WITH company_user_temp AS (SELECT '00629999000100260000' AS company_code FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT '00250033000000000000' AS company_code FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT '00630005000300000000' AS company_code FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT '00460207000000000000' AS company_code FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT '00420089000000000000' AS company_code FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT '00630008000100000000' AS company_code FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT '00630013001000000000' AS company_code FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT '00620035001900000000' AS company_code FROM dual 。。。
用户大量使用值的union all,导致90%的时间耗在SQL解析上。
-> Seq Scan on dual dual_1458 (cost=0.00..1.01 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.003..0.004 rows=1 loops=1) -> Seq Scan on dual dual_1459 (cost=0.00..1.01 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.005..0.005 rows=1 loops=1) -> Seq Scan on dual dual_1460 (cost=0.00..1.01 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.003..0.004 rows=1 loops=1) -> Seq Scan on dual dual_1461 (cost=0.00..1.01 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.003..0.004 rows=1 loops=1) Planning Time: 5081.423 ms Execution Time: 43.726 ms (1466 rows) Time: 5230.600 ms (00:05.231)
由于SQL有大量的union all,针对union all 的每个部分,SQL 都要进行解析。 由于整个SQL涉及2000多张表 (dual),整个性能非常差。考虑以下修改方式:
with company_user_temp as (select * from (values('00629999000100260000'), ('00250033000000000000')) as company_code ) select count(*) from company_user_temp;
1、union 方式
test=# declare test-# v_sql text; test-# begin test-# v_sql:= 'WITH company_user_temp AS ('; test-# for i in 1..2000 loop test-# v_sql:=v_sql||'select '||i||' as company_code from dual union all '; test-# end loop; test-# v_sql:=substr(v_sql,0,length(v_sql) - 10) ||') select count(*) from company_user_temp'; test-# execute immediate v_sql; test-# end; test-# / ANONYMOUS BLOCK Time: 6735.076 ms (00:06.735) test=#
2、values 方式
test=# declare test-# v_sql text; test-# begin test-# v_sql := 'with company_code as (select * from (values('; test-# for i in 1..2000 loop test-# v_sql:=v_sql||i||'),('; test-# end loop; test-# v_sql:=substr(v_sql,0,length(v_sql) - 2)||') as company_code ) select count(*) from company_code'; test-# execute immediate v_sql; test-# end; test-# / ANONYMOUS BLOCK Time: 10.325 ms test=#
结论:可以看到,这样修改后,SQL 性能得到了大幅提升。