KingbaseES 如何实现Oracle pipelined 功能
管道函数即是可以返回行集合(可以使嵌套表nested table 或数组 varray)的函数,我们可以像查询物理表一样查询它或者将其赋值给集合变量。KingbaseES 数据库可以用 setof 实现类似 Oracle 的pipelined 功能,C5版本开始,也支持pipeline。
一、Oracle pipelined 使用例子
create or replace type varchar_type as table of varchar(100);
create or replace function func_pipeline_test return varchar_type pipelined as begin for i in 1..5 loop pipe row('Pipeline '||i||' '||systimestamp); dbms_lock.sleep(1); end loop; return; end; / SQL> select * from table(func_pipeline_test); COLUMN_VALUE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pipeline 1 01-JUL-21 PM +08:00 Pipeline 2 01-JUL-21 PM +08:00 Pipeline 3 01-JUL-21 PM +08:00 Pipeline 4 01-JUL-21 PM +08:00 Pipeline 5 01-JUL-21 PM +08:00
从V8R6C5 开始,KingbaseES 支持 pipeline,其使用与 Oracle 完全相同。
create or replace type varchar_type as table of varchar(100); create or replace function func_pipeline_test return varchar_type pipelined as begin for i in 1..5 loop pipe row('Pipeline '||i||' '||systimestamp); perform pg_sleep(1); end loop; return; end; / test=# select * from table(func_pipeline_test()); column_value ------------------------------------------ Pipeline 1 2021-12-22 15:26:45.572780+08 Pipeline 2 2021-12-22 15:26:45.572780+08 Pipeline 3 2021-12-22 15:26:45.572780+08 Pipeline 4 2021-12-22 15:26:45.572780+08 Pipeline 5 2021-12-22 15:26:45.572780+08 (5 rows)
2、setof 使用例子
create or replace function func_pipeline_test1 returns setof text as declare v_text text; begin for i in 1..5 loop return query select 'Pipeline '||i||' '||clock_timestamp() ; perform sys_sleep(1); end loop; return; end / test=# select func_pipeline_test1(); func_pipeline_test1 ------------------------------------------ Pipeline 1 2021-09-13 17:36:55.571164+08 Pipeline 2 2021-09-13 17:36:56.572743+08 Pipeline 3 2021-09-13 17:36:57.574097+08 Pipeline 4 2021-09-13 17:36:58.575511+08 Pipeline 5 2021-09-13 17:36:59.577169+08 (5 rows) create or replace function func_pipeline_test2 returns setof t1 as declare v_t1 t1%rowtype; begin for v_t1 in (select * from t1) loop return next v_t1; end loop; return; end /
test=# select * from func_pipeline_test2(); id | name ----+------ 1 | abc 2 | abc 3 | abc 4 | abc 5 | abc 6 | abc 7 | abc 8 | abc 9 | abc 10 | abc (10 rows)
3、table function
create or replace type int_set as table of integer; create or replace function func1() return int_set as v_temp int_set := int_set(1,2,3); begin return v_temp; end; test=# select func1(); func1 ---------------- int_set(1,2,3) (1 row) test=# select * from table(func1()); column_value -------------- 1 2 3