SQLWave. GUI Client for MySQL Database Server

SQLWave. GUI Client for MySQL Database Server

Nerocode SQLWave is a powerful MySQL GUI Client tool designed to automate and simplify database development process. It also provides an easier way to explore and maintain existing databases, design compound SQL statements, query and manipulate data in different ways.

  • Fully MySQL 4.x - 5.x compliant.
  • Manage Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Views, Events etc
  • Intuitive GUI interface for all MySQL operations
  • Very fast retrieval of data
  • Manage foreign key relationships
  • Fully InnoDB compliant
  • Connection and MySQL service manager
  • Syntax-highlighting and Intellisense
  • View advanced table properties, such as Type, Charset, Comment, Key_Length...
  • Monitor and manage variables, status, threads...
  • View your results in GRID / TEXT mode
  • Powerful user manager for administering users and privileges
  • Dump table structure and data into SQL-scripts
  • Change table-types to ISAM, MYISAM, MERGE, HEAP, InnoDB, BDB
  • Charsets and collations support for databases and tables
  • Data transfer between connections
  • And many more features...

Download SQLWave

Version: 5.9.5

Download SQLWave for MySQL

Purchase SQLWave

All sales and use of Nerocode software is subject to the terms of the applicable software license which accompanies the product.

If you would like to order our products, you can do the registration online on the Internet by secure web site Plimus directly from this page.

Download SQLWave for MySQL

posted on 2011-10-20 22:54  kingang  阅读(390)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
