
AT&T can’t access company network via internet.

遇到这个问题有几天了,现象是可以连通,但Ping任何服务器都不通。今天下班的时候跟公司一位IT谈了谈,他说他处理过几次这样的问题,但root cause不是很清楚,他怀疑跟virtual PC是不是有什么关系。

因此,我灵感一闪,回到家里卸载了virtual PC 2007,然后连接AT&T,这下可以正常访问公司网络资源了。接着,再安装Virtual PC 2007,又不能正常访问了。







Need help, here is the scenario -

I have following config:
- Windows XP Pro SP2
- Installed Virtual PC 2007 SP1
- Installed AT&T VPN Client (v.6.9.0, also tried latest v.

01 scenarion: only AT&T VPN client is installed -- everything works, i can
access both web and vpn.

02 scenarion: only Virtual PC 2007 SP1 is installed -- everything works, i
can access web. VPN - N/A

02 scenarion: both Virtual PC 2007 SP1 and AT&T VPN installed --
02.a] AT&T VPN not connected - everything works, i can access web, VPN -
02.b] AT&T VPN connected - nothing works, it authenticates and connects
successfully, but as soon it connected, i can't get to any of the sites
withing our VPN, not even any of the external web-sites.

I think there is some settings/drivers mismatch between these two softwares
that is causing this issue. If I uninstall MS Virtual PC 2007 SP1, AT&T VPN
client works fine. I even tried latest version of AT&T, but no

I need to use both software, but as long as MS Virtual PC 2007 SP1 is
installed AT&T client is not working, whether it is installed first or after

Is there any known problem or solution to this problem ??




I don't know about AT&T VPN, but I have used Cisco VPN and when you
install this it creates a network adapter called "Cisco VPN Adapter".
I guess that AT&T does the same.
Anyway, if you find this extra adapter among your "Connections", then
open its properties and make sure to UN-check the item in the list
named "Virtual Machine Network Services".
This makes this adapter driver not interfere with the VMNS.
It might solve your problem....


Bo Berglund (Sweden)



其实,很简单,因为Virtual PC安装后对每个网卡添加一个"Virtual Machine Network Services",安装AT&T后会有一个虚拟的网卡,而这个网卡也安装了这个service,而这个服务阻止了正常的访问(更深的原因?),所以只需要不勾选这项就可以了。如图,




posted on 2009-02-02 20:45  一望无际的南  阅读(1754)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报
