

URP 编写自定义 Shader (6) URP ShaderLab Pass tags

Property Description
UniversalForward The Pass renders object geometry and evaluates all light contributions. URP uses this tag value in the Forward Rendering Path.
Universal2D The Pass renders objects and evaluates 2D light contributions. URP uses this tag value in the 2D Renderer.
ShadowCaster The Pass renders object depth from the perspective of lights into the Shadow map or a depth texture.
DepthOnly The Pass renders only depth information from the perspective of a Camera into a depth texture.
Meta Unity executes this Pass only when baking lightmaps in the Unity Editor. Unity strips this Pass from shaders when building a Player.
SRPDefaultUnlit Use this LightMode tag value to draw an extra Pass when rendering objects. Application example: draw an object outline. This tag value is valid for both the Forward and the Deferred Rendering Paths. URP uses this tag value as the default value when a Pass does not have a LightMode tag.

posted on 2022-02-14 23:39  kingBook  阅读(235)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报