Special Characters for the Web: ISO 8859-1

You may often need special characters that are not on your keyboard. To create these, you use codes.

There are two systems: Code and Entity. Entity is easier to use. Just remember that you place an ampersand first, the abbreviation for the character (such as "amp" for ampersand), and then a semicolon to close. For example, to produce an ampersand (&), type & in your HTML and it will appear as & in your browser.

Note: You can also enter characters via the numeric keypad into any Windows program. See the instructions and table at the end of this document.

Short Table With the Most Useful Characters

Description              Char  Code    Entity
Quotation                   "  "   "
Ampersand                   &  &   &
Less-than sign              <  &#60;   &lt;
Greater-than sign           >  &#62;   &gt;
at symbol                   @  &#64; 
Euro                        €  &#128;
Dagger                      †  &#134;
0/00                        ‰  &#137;
Trademark                   ™  &#153;
Angle quote mark, left      «  &#171;  &laquo;
Angle quote mark, right     »  &#187;  &raquo;
Inverted exclamation        ¡  &#161;  &iexcl;
Inverted question mark      ¿  &#191;  &iquest;
Cent sign                   ¢  &#162;  &cent;
Pound sign                  £  &#163;  &pound;
Currency sign               ¤  &#164;  &curren;
Yen sign                    ¥  &#165;  &yen;
Broken vertical bar         ¦  &#166;  &brvbar;
Section sign                §  &#167;  &sect;
Copyright sign              ©  &#169;  &copy;
Circled R registered sign   ®  &#174;  &reg;
Middle dot                  ·  &#183;  &middot;
Fraction 1/4                ¼  &#188;  &frac14;
Fraction 1/2                ½  &#189;  &frac12;
Fraction 3/4                ¾  &#190;  &frac34; 
Superscript 1               ¹  &#185;  &sup1;
Superscript 2               ²  &#178;  &sup2;
Superscript 3               ³  &#179;  &sup3;
Degree sign                 °  &#176;  &deg;
Multiplication sign         ×  &#215;  &times;
Division sign               ÷  &#247;  &divide;
Plus-or-minus sign          ±  &#177;  &plusmn;

The Complete List of Special Characters

Description                   Char  Code    Entity name
Quotation                        "  &#34;   &quot;
Ampersand                        &  &#38;   &amp;
Less-than sign                   <  &#60;   &lt;
Greater-than sign                >  &#62;   &gt;
Non-breaking space                  &#160;  &nbsp;
Inverted exclamation             ¡  &#161;  &iexcl;
Cent sign                        ¢  &#162;  &cent;
Pound sign                       £  &#163;  &pound;
Currency sign                    ¤  &#164;  &curren;
Yen sign                         ¥  &#165;  &yen;
Broken vertical bar              ¦  &#166;  &brvbar;
Section sign                     §  &#167;  &sect;
Spacing diaresis                 ¨  &#168;  &uml;
Copyright sign                   ©  &#169;  &copy;
Feminine ordinal indicator       ª  &#170;  &ordf;
Angle quotation mark, left       «  &#171;  &laquo;
Negation sign                    ¬  &#172;  &not;
Soft hyphen                      ­  &#173;  &shy;
Circled R registered sign        ®  &#174;  &reg;
Spacing macron                   ¯  &#175;  &hibar;
Degree sign                      °  &#176;  &deg;
Plus-or-minus sign               ±  &#177;  &plusmn;
Superscript 1                    ¹  &#185;  &sup1;
Superscript 2                    ²  &#178;  &sup2;
Superscript 3                    ³  &#179;  &sup3;
Spacing acute                    ´  &#180;  &acute;
Micro sign                       µ  &#181;  &micro;
Paragraph sign                   ¶  &#182;  &para;
Middle dot                       ·  &#183;  &middot;
Spacing cedilla                  ¸  &#184;  &cedil;
Masculine ordinal indicator      º  &#186;  &ordm;
Angle quotation mark, right      »  &#187;  &raquo;
Fraction 1/4                     ¼  &#188;  &frac14;
Fraction 1/2                     ½  &#189;  &frac12;
Fraction 3/4                     ¾  &#190;  &frac34;
Inverted question mark           ¿  &#191;  &iquest;
Capital A, grave accent          À  &#192;  &Agrave;
Capital A, acute accent          Á  &#193;  &Aacute;
Capital A, circumflex accent     Â  &#194;  &Acirc;
Capital A, tilde                 Ã  &#195;  &Atilde;
Capital A, dieresis (umlaut)     Ä  &#196;  &Auml;
Capital A, ring                  Å  &#197;  &Aring;
Capital AE diphthong (ligature)  Æ  &#198;  &AElig;
Capital C, cedilla               Ç  &#199;  &Ccedil;
Capital E, grave accent          È  &#200;  &Egrave;
Capital E, acute accent          É  &#201;  &Eacute;
Capital E, circumflex accent     Ê  &#202;  &Ecirc;
Capital E, dieresis (umlaut)     Ë  &#203;  &Euml;
Capital I, grave accent          Ì  &#204;  &Igrave;
Capital I, acute accent          Í  &#205;  &Iacute;
Capital I, circumflex accent     Î  &#206;  &Icirc;
Capital I, dieresis (umlaut)     Ï  &#207;  &Iuml;
Capital Eth, Icelandic           Ð  &#208;  &ETH;
Capital N, tilde                 Ñ  &#209;  &Ntilde;
Capital O, grave accent          Ò  &#210;  &Ograve;
Capital O, acute accent          Ó  &#211;  &Oacute;
Capital O, circumflex accent     Ô  &#212;  &Ocirc;
Capital O, tilde                 Õ  &#213;  &Otilde;
Capital O, dieresis (umlaut)     Ö  &#214;  &Ouml;
Multiplication sign              ×  &#215;  &times;
Capital O, slash                 Ø  &#216;  &Oslash;
Capital U, grave accent          Ù  &#217;  &Ugrave;
Capital U, acute accent          Ú  &#218;  &Uacute;
Capital U, circumflex accent     Û  &#219;  &Ucirc;
Capital U, dieresis (umlaut)     Ü  &#220;  &Uuml;
Capital Y, acute accent          Ý  &#221;  &Yacute;
Capital THORN, Icelandic         Þ  &#222;  &THORN;
Small sharp German sz ligature   ß  &#223;  &szlig;
Small a, grave accent            à  &#224;  &agrave;
Small a, acute accent            á  &#225;  &aacute;
Small a, circumflex accent       â  &#226;  &acirc;
Small a, tilde                   ã  &#227;  &atilde;
Small a, dieresis (umlaut)       ä  &#228;  &auml;
Small a, ring                    å  &#229;  &aring;
Small ae diphthong (ligature)    æ  &#230;  &aelig;
Small c, cedilla                 ç  &#231;  &ccedil;
Small e, grave accent            è  &#232;  &egrave;
Small e, acute accent            é  &#233;  &eacute;
Small e, circumflex accent       ê  &#234;  &ecirc;
Small e, dieresis (umlaut)       ë  &#235;  &euml;
Small i, grave accent            ì  &#236;  &igrave;
Small i, acute accent            í  &#237;  &iacute;
Small i, circumflex accent       î  &#238;  &icirc;
Small i, dieresis (umlaut)       ï  &#239;  &iuml;
Small eth, Icelandic             ð  &#240;  &eth;
Small n, tilde                   ñ  &#241;  &ntilde;
Small o, grave accent            ò  &#242;  &ograve;
Small o, acute accent            ó  &#243;  &oacute;
Small o, circumflex accent       ô  &#244;  &ocirc;
Small o, tilde                   õ  &#245;  &otilde;
Small o, dieresis (umlaut)       ö  &#246;  &ouml;
Division sign                    ÷  &#247;  &divide;
Small o, slash                   ø  &#248;  &oslash;
Small u, grave accent            ù  &#249;  &ugrave;
Small u, acute accent            ú  &#250;  &uacute;
Small u, circumflex accent       û  &#251;  &ucirc;
Small u, dieresis (umlaut)       ü  &#252;  &uuml;
Small y, acute accent            ý  &#253;  &yacute;
Small thorn, Icelandic           þ  &#254;  &thorn;
Small y, dieresis (umlaut)       ÿ  &#255;  &yuml;

Inserting Symbols in Windows

In any Windows application, you can insert characters via the numeric keypad:

  1. Press the Num Lock key (above the numeric keypad) to turn on NumLock. (To test: press 5 in the numeric keypad. If a 5 appears in your document, NumLock is on. If no 5, press NumLock and try again.)
  2. Select the font.
  3. Look at the following table of characters.
  4. Hold down the Alt key and type the character code on the numeric keypad. Example: To insert w (code 0119), type Alt+0119.
  5. Release the Alt key.

Character Codes for the Numeric Keypad

0033   !    00070   F    00107   k    00144        00181   µ    00218   Ú
0034   "    00071   G    00108   l    00145   '    00182   ¶    00219   Û
0035   #    00072   H    00109   m    00146   '    00183   ·    00220   Ü
0036   $    00073   I    00110   n    00147   "    00184   ¸    00221   Ý
0037   %    00074   J    00111   o    00148   "    00185   ¹    00222   Þ
0038   &    00075   K    00112   p    00149        00186   º    00223   ß
0039   '    00076   L    00113   q    00150   -    00187   »    00224   à
0040   (   00077   M    00114   r    00151   -    00188   ¼    00225   á
0041   )    00078   N    00115   s    00152   ˜    00189   ½    00226   â
0042   *    00079   O    00116   t    00153   ™    00190   ¾    00227   ã
0043   +    00080   P    00117   u    00154   š    00191   ¿    00228   ä
0044   ,    00081   Q    00118   v    00155   ›    00192   À    00229   å
0045   -    00082   R    00119   w    00156   œ    00193   Á    00230   æ
0046   .    00083   S    00120   x    00157        00194   Â    00231   ç
0047   /    00084   T    00121   y    00158        00195   Ã    00232   è
0048   0    00085   U    00122   z    00159   Ÿ    00196   Ä    00233   é
0049   1    00086   V    00123   {    00160        00197   Å    00234   ê
0050   2    00087   W    00124   |    00161   ¡    00198   Æ    00235   ë
0051   3    00088   X    00125   }    00162   ¢    00199   Ç    00236   ì
0052   4    00089   Y    00126   ~    00163   £    00200   È    00237   í
0053   5    00090   Z    00127        00164   ¤    00201   É    00238   î
0054   6    00091   [    00128        00165   ¥    00202   Ê    00239   ï
0055   7    00092   \    00129        00166   ¦    00203   Ë    00240   ð
0056   8    00093   ]    00130   ‚    00167   §    00204   Ì    00241   ñ
0057   9    00094   ^    00131   ƒ    00168   ¨    00205   Í    00242   ò
0058   :    00095   _    00132   „    00169   ©    00206   Î    00243   ó
0059   ;    00096   `    00133   ...  00170   ª    00207   Ï    00244   ô
0060   <    00097   a    00134   †    00171   «    00208   Ð    00245   õ
0061   =    00098   b    00135   ‡    00172   ¬    00209   Ñ    00246   ö
0062   >    00099   c    00136   ˆ    00173   ­     00210   Ò    00247   ÷
0063   ?    00100   d    00137   ‰    00174   ®    00211   Ó    00248   ø
0064   @    00101   e    00138   Š    00175   ¯    00212   Ô    00249   ù
0065   A    00102   f    00139   ‹    00176   °    00213   Õ    00250   ú
0066   B    00103   g    00140   Œ    00177   ±    00214   Ö    00251   û
0067   C    00104   h    00141        00178   ²    00215   ×    00252   ü
0068   D    00105   i    00142        00179   ³    00216   Ø    00253   ý
0069   E    00106   j    00143        00180   ´    00217   Ù    00254   þ
posted @ 2010-07-01 16:39  kim zeng  阅读(333)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报