

View Code
 1 #include <cstdio>
 2 #include <cstring>
 3 #include <algorithm>
 4 using namespace std;
 5 int a[205][205];
 6 struct 
 7 {
 8     int x,y;
 9 }bottomleft[105],topright[105];
10 int col[205];
11 int xx[205];
12 int yy[205];
13 int area[105];
14 int binsearch(int kk[],int l,int r,int key)
15 {
16     int m=(l+r)>>1;
17     if(kk[m]==key)
18     return m;
19     if(kk[m]>key)
20     return binsearch(kk,l,m-1,key);
21     return binsearch(kk,m+1,r,key);
22 }
23 void paint(int l1,int l2,int r1,int r2,int c)
24 {
25     int i,j;
26     for(i=r1;i<r2;i++)
27     for(j=l1;j<l2;j++)
28     a[i][j]=c;
29 }
30 void cal(int k1,int k2)
31 {
32     int i,j;
33     for(i=1;i<k2;i++)
34     for(j=1;j<k1;j++)
35     if(a[i][j])
36         area[a[i][j]]+=(xx[j+1]-xx[j])*(yy[i+1]-yy[i]);
37 }
38 int main()
39 {
40     int h,w,cas=1;
41     while(scanf("%d%d",&h,&w)&&(h||w)){
42         int n,i,k1=1,k2=1;
43         scanf("%d",&n);
44         for(i=0;i<n;i++){
45             scanf("%d%d%d%d%d",&bottomleft[i].x,&bottomleft[i].y,&topright[i].x,&topright[i].y,col+i);
46             xx[k1++]=bottomleft[i].x;
47             xx[k1++]=topright[i].x;
48             yy[k2++]=bottomleft[i].y;
49             yy[k2++]=topright[i].y;
50         }
51         if(cas!=1)
52         printf("\n");
53         sort(xx+1,xx+k1);
54         sort(yy+1,yy+k2);
55         int m=2;
56         for(i=2;i<k1;i++)
57         if(xx[i]!=xx[i-1])
58         xx[m++]=xx[i];
59         k1=m;
60         m=2;
61         for(i=2;i<k2;i++)
62         if(yy[i]!=yy[i-1])
63         yy[m++]=yy[i];
64         k2=m;
65         memset(a,0,sizeof(a));
66         memset(area,0,sizeof(area));
67         for(i=0;i<n;i++){
68             int l1=binsearch(xx,1,k1-1,bottomleft[i].x);
69             int l2=binsearch(xx,1,k1-1,topright[i].x);
70             int r1=binsearch(yy,1,k2-1,bottomleft[i].y);
71             int r2=binsearch(yy,1,k2-1,topright[i].y);
72             paint(l1,l2,r1,r2,col[i]);
73         }
74         cal(k1,k2);
75         int cnt=0;
76         printf("Case %d:\n",cas++);
77         for(i=1;i<101;i++)
78         if(area[i]){
79         printf("%d %d\n",i,area[i]);
80         cnt++;
81         }
82         if(cnt<=1)
83         printf("There is %d color left on the wall.\n",cnt);
84         else
85         printf("There are %d colors left on the wall.\n",cnt);
86     }
87 }