


def groovyUtils = new context )

def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder( "balanceQuery#Response" )


def messageBody = holder.getDomNode("//uvs:balanceQuery/uvs:BalanceQueryRequest/uvs:RequestMessage/uvs:MessageBody")
def subscriberNo = messageBody.getElementsByTagName_r("SubscriberNo");



GroovyUtils 与 XmlHolder 参考:

GroovyUtils currently includes the following (few) methods:

 : a property holding the path to the containing project, useful for accessing data files in same folder

setPropertyValue( String testStepName, String propertyName, String value )
 : sets the specified property value

expand( string )
 - expands the specified Property Expansion string

getXmlHolder( String xmlPropertyOrString )
 : Creates an 
 object (see below) for easily accessing/modifying contents of an XML document using XPath expressions. The argument must either be a TestStep property in the 
 format or a valid XML string

XmlHolder object has the following methods:

getNodeValue( String xpath )
 : returns the value of the first node pointed to by the specified XPath expression_r(can be replaced by holder[xpath] expression, see below )

getNodeValues( String xpath )
 : returns a String array containing the values of all nodes pointed to by the specified XPath expression.

getDomNode( String xpath )
 : returns the DOM Node of the first node pointed to by the specified XPath expression.

getDomNodes( String xpath )
 : returns a DOM Node array containing all nodes pointed to by the specified XPath expression.

setNodeValue( String xpath, String value )
 : sets the content of the first node pointed to by the specified XPath expression to the specified value (can be replaced by holder[xpath] = value expression, see below )

declareNamespace( String prefix, String namespaceURI )
 : declares a namespace that will be used in a following get/set operation, can also be set with holder.namespaces[prefix] = namespaceUri (see example below)

 - returns a Map of prefixes to namespace URI:s that will be used in XPath expressions

removeDomNodes( xpath )
 - removes all DOM nodes matching the specified XPath expression

 : property containing the updated xml string

 : property containing the parsed XMLBeans XmlObject for the xml string

 : property containing the pretty-printed updated xml string

 : if the XmlHolder was created from a TestStep property, that property will be updated with the currently held xml (see example below)

updateProperty( boolean prettyPrint )
 : same as previous, with option to pretty print the updated xml. Defaults to false when not specified.

posted on 2012-04-20 00:51  每当变幻时  阅读(1457)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
