原文链接:http://zcentric.com/2008/08/29/post-a-uiimage-to-the-web/So here is something a lot of people have been wondering to do in the forums. How do I take a UIImage or any image and post it to a website. So this will go over how to do that.There are two ways to tackle this issue. One we can base64 en 阅读全文
1,把一个整数,转换成一个NSString[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",3];2,比较两个NSString是否相等[@"test" isEqualToString:@"test"];3,@"abcdefg",截取第两个字符开始的三个字符[@"abcdefg" substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, 3)]4,讲解UTF8与Unicode的区别与关系5,NSString , NSMutableString的区别6,计算一个字串在指定宽 阅读全文