JavaScript works behind the scenes —— scope and scope chain(作用域和作用域链)
JavaScript works behind the scenes —— scope and scope chain(作用域和作用域链)
what is scope? (作用域的概念)
Scope: Space and environment in which a certain variable is declared. There is global scope, function scope, and block scope.
(作用域: 一个变量被声明的位置和环境。有全局作用域,函数作用域,块级作用域)
3 kinds of scope(3种作用域)
- global scope 全局作用域,在哪儿都能访问
- function scope 函数作用域,只有在函数种可以访问
- block scope 块级作用域,let和const定义的变量的作用域
what is scope chain? (作用域链的概念)
If one scope needs to use a certain variable, but cannot find it in the current scope, it will look up in the scope chain and see if it can find a variable in one of the parent scopes.
scope chain VS call stack
call stack是垂直的,每个execution context之间并没有直接关系,是一种程序执行的顺序。