JavaScript works behind the scenes —— execution context(执行上下文)
JavaScript works behind the scenes —— execution context(执行上下文)
What is execution context? 什么是执行上下文
Environment in which a piece of JavaScript is executed. Stores all the necessary information for some code to be executed.
What is inside execution context? 执行上下文中有什么
- Variable environment (变量环境)
let, const and var, declarations function, arguments object(NOT in arrow functions)
箭头函数的argument object 和 this 关键字都不包括在执行上下文中,因为箭头函数使用的argument object和this关键字都不是自身,是来自他们上一层的函数
- scope chain (作用域链)
- this keyword (this关键字)
How the code exactly executed? 代码具体是怎么被执行的
const name = 'kihyun'
const first = () => {
let a = 1
const b = second(7, 9)
a = a + b
return a
function second(x, y) {
var c = 2
return c
const x = first()
产生一个Global执行上下文,这个execution context被放入call stack中
call stack: place where execution contexts get stacked on top of each other, to keep track of where we are in the execution.
x = first()
,此时产生first这个函数的execution context放入call stack中 -
const b = second(7, 9)
的时候,产生second函数的execution context放入call stack中 -
执行second内的代码,执行完毕后,return计算出的值,return之后对应的execution context从call stack中弹出
second的execution context从call stack中弹出后,继续执行first中的代码
直到浏览器关闭Global的execution context才会被弹出