创建你自己定制的vuejs plugin扩展app的功能
什么是vuejs plugin插件
vuejs plugin插件是一个向你的app注入新的全局功能的强大但又简约的方式。从概念上来说,vue plugin非常简单,它就是一个包含了install方法的object.而这个install方法有两个参数会传入,第一个参数为全局的Vue构造函数,第二个参数则是options对象.
你的首个插件(任何组件mounted就自动打印mounted log日志)
我们先写一个简单的vue plugin,实现的功能是每个component,当mounted时就能够打印相应的已加载信息
// This is your plugin object. It can be exported to be used anywhere. const MyPlugin = { // The install method is all that needs to exist on the plugin object. // It takes the global Vue object as well as user-defined options. install(Vue, options) { // We call Vue.mixin() here to inject functionality into all components. Vue.mixin({ // Anything added to a mixin will be injected into all components. // In this case, the mounted() method runs when the component is added to the DOM. mounted() { console.log('Mounted!'); } }); } }; export default MyPlugin;
这个插件本质上做的工作就是通过调用Vue.mixin向Vue全局构造函数中添加相应的mounted hook
import Vue from 'vue' import MyPlugin from './my-vue-plugin.js' import App from './App.vue' // The plugin is loaded here. Vue.use(MyPlugin) new Vue({ el: '#app', render: h => h(App) });
需要注意的是:所有的plugin都必须在调用new Vue()之前被Vue.use来初始化
添加其他的功能(installing app-wide components and directives)
import MyComponent from './components/MyComponent.vue'; import MyDirective from './directives/MyDirective.js'; const MyPlugin { install(Vue, options) { Vue.component(MyComponent.name, MyComponent) Vue.directive(MyDirective.name, MyDirective) } }; export default MyPlugin;
const MyPlugin { install(Vue, options) { Vue.myAddedProperty = 'Example Property' Vue.myAddedMethod = function() { return Vue.myAddedProperty } } }; export default MyPlugin;
通过javascript的原型机制我们知道所有的vue component都是Vue构造函数new出来的instance,我们只要修改构造函数的prototype就能对instance统一添加新的功能。
const MyPlugin { install(Vue, options) { Vue.prototype.$myAddedProperty = 'Example Property' Vue.prototype.$myAddedMethod = function() { return this.$myAddedProperty } } }; export default MyPlugin;
上面添加的所有属性或者方法都将在vue component instance中能够通过this.$myAddedProperty来访问.
添加组件的lifecycle hooks或者属性
const MyPlugin = { install(Vue, options) { Vue.mixin({ mounted() { console.log('Mounted!'); } }); } }; export default MyPlugin;
对于那些没有使用webpack等模块打包工具的开发者来说,他们往往会将yourplugin.js放在vuejs的script tag之后来引用,可以通过在my-vue-plugin.js中的以下代码来自动安装
// Automatic installation if Vue has been added to the global scope. if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue) { window.Vue.use(MyPlugin) }