


  • General

    • Does the code work? Does it perform its intended function, the logic is correct etc.
      • 基本完成个人任务需求;
      • 未实现功能:带分数生成,括号支持不完善(无(1+5)×(3-5)这种,也有7/9/2*8这样存在二义性的情况出现),除零/负数的规避处理,规范化输出(N. 运算式);
      • 逻辑基本正确,有较为完善的异常处理机制;
    • Is all the code easily understood?
      • 较为易读,有较为完整的注释,命名直截了当,用规范化的接口说明;
    • Does it conform to your agreed coding conventions? These will usually cover location of braces, variable and function names, line length, indentations, formatting, and comments.
      • 因为使用的语言不一代码风格差异较大,括号换行处理方式不一(左括号不换行),其他基本一致;
    • Is there any redundant or duplicate code?
      • Equation.cpp里的solve函数没有用到,最后用的是重写的solve1;
    • Is the code as modular as possible?
      • 模块化程度较高,分数,表达式,IO处理各成一模块,分数和表达式集成到类里,分工细致;
      •  1 void fff();
         2 void exitErr(char* info, int errNum);
         3 void work1(int,int);
         4 void work2(char*, char*);
         5 int isp(char);
         6 int icp(char);
         8 class Fraction{
         9 public:
        10     Fraction();
        11     Fraction(int, int);
        12     int static gcd(int, int);
        13     Fraction operator+(const Fraction &);
        14     Fraction operator-(const Fraction &);
        15     Fraction operator*(const Fraction &);
        16     Fraction operator/(const Fraction &);
        17     Fraction operator=(const Fraction &);
        18     bool operator==(const Fraction &);
        19     int numerator;
        20     int denominator;
        21     string toString();
        22 };
        24 class Equation{
        25 public:
        26     Equation();
        27     Equation(int); //构造,输入maxNum
        28     string getLeft(); //返回左边式子
        29     string getRight(); //返回右边式子 用于输出
        30     bool equals(Equation &); //用于判重
        32     static int solve(char*);
        33     static Fraction solve1(string);
        35 private:
        36     int leftSum; //用于算式判重
        37     Fraction rightSum; //用于算式判重
        38     string rightStr;
        39     string leftStr;
        42     //char* solveDiv(char*);
        43 };
        45 #endif
    • Can any global variables be replaced?
      • 仅用了宏函数,无全局变量;
      • #define random(max) (rand()%(max))
    • Is there any commented out code?
      • 有注释掉的代码;
    • Do loops have a set length and correct termination conditions?
      • 均有设置,不过也存在较为繁冗的判断条件,如Equaltion::solve1中的 while (signTop != 0 && icp(str[i])<=isp(signStack[signTop - 1]) && !RMeetL)//这里检查符号栈是否为空,且判断符号优先级顺序,并检查左右符号是否已经完成匹配,不过其实只需要判断栈空即可进入循环,对于括号匹配和优先级顺序判断可以嵌入到if else语句分支中,相应设置break即可;
      •  1 int isp(char c){
         2     switch (c)
         3     {
         4     case '#':
         5         return 0;
         6         break;
         7     case '^':
         8         return 7;
         9         break;
        10     case '*':case '/': case '%':
        11         return 5;
        12         break;
        13     case '+':case '-':
        14         return 3;
        15         break;
        16     case '(':
        17         return 1;
        18         break;
        19     case ')':
        20         return 8;
        21         break;
        22     default:
        23         exitErr("Error in isp", -9);
        24         return -1;
        25         break;
        26     }
        27 }
    • Can any of the code be replaced with library functions?
      • 没有可用库函数替代的函数
    • Can any logging or debugging code be removed?
      • 无相关代码

  • Security

    • Are all data inputs checked (for the correct type, length, format, and range) and encoded?
      • 执行批改功能时文件需规范化文件格式,命令行参数输入检查比较完善(三次检查)
        1 if (strlen(argv[i]) != 2) exitErr("command valid", -2);
        2         tmpchar = argv[i][0];
        3         cmdchar = argv[i][1];
        4         if (tmpchar != '-' || (cmdchar != 'n'&&cmdchar != 'r'&&cmdchar != 'e'&&cmdchar != 'a'))exitErr("command valid", -1);
        5         i++;
        6         if (i == argc) exitErr("command valid", -2);
    • Where third-party utilities are used, are returning errors being caught?
      • 未使用第三方程序
    • Are output values checked and encoded?
      • 有较全面的异常分析和相应的错误码输出,并写有专门的错误处理函数:
      • void exitErr(char* info, int errNum){
            printf("%s; error code:%d", info, errNum);
         1 case '(':  //当前进栈只可能是 ) # 才会把 ( 出栈
         2                     //左括号出栈没有计算操作,不需要执行后面的数字、字符入栈与出栈操作,所以continue跳过
         3                     //直接continue会将后面的signTop--出栈操作跳过,造成死循环
         4                     //需要在此将字符'('出栈
         5                     //和上面不同的是,当前字符str[i]不需要入栈
         6                     if (str[i] == ')'){
         7                         signTop--;
         8                         RMeetL = true;
         9                     }
        10                     else{
        11                         exitErr("左括号后没有右括号", -11);
        12                     }
        13                     break;
    • Are invalid parameter values handled?
      • 由专门的错误处理函数void exitErr(char* info, int errNum)

  • Documentation

    • Do comments exist and describe the intent of the code?
      • 有较为简洁的Readme文档
    • Are all functions commented?
      • 暂无,下同
    • Is any unusual behavior or edge-case handling described?
    • Is the use and function of third-party libraries documented?
    • Are data structures and units of measurement explained?
    • Is there any incomplete code? If so, should it be removed or flagged with a suitable marker like ‘TODO’?

  • Testing

    • Is the code testable? i.e. don’t add too many or hide dependencies, unable to initialize objects, test frameworks can use methods etc.
      • 可以测试,无过多依赖对象,大部分在函数内部已经完成相应初始化操作
    • Do tests exist and are they comprehensive? i.e. has at least your agreed on code coverage.
      • 无测试单元,下同
    • Do unit tests actually test that the code is performing the intended functionality?
    • Are arrays checked for ‘out-of-bound’ errors?
    • Could any test code be replaced with the use of an existing API?



  • Summary

    • 程序代码较为规范,设计思路清晰,模块化程度高,可读性强,有详细的注释,在输入输出等安全处理方面有仔细考虑过,并限制了较为严格的条件来避免复杂的错误情况,唯一不足就是功能还有待完善,因为除零异常检查尚不完善致使程序测试存在一定的难度,有待进一步改进



posted @ 2015-09-30 00:21  kibbon  阅读(174)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报