SQL Server-数据查询





select [all | distinct] [top n [percent]] <目标列表达式> [别名] [, <目标列表达式> [别名]...]
from <表名或视图名> [别名] [, <表名或视图名> [别名]...]
[where <条件表达式>]
[group by <列名1> [having <条件表达式>] [, <列名2> [having <条件表达式>]...]]
[order by <列名1> [asc | desc] [, <列名2> [asc | desc]...]]



聚合函数 描述
avg(expr) 列值的平均值。该列只能包含数字数据
count(expr),count( * )


count(expr)忽略NULL值,但count( * )在计数中包含NULL值

max( expr) 列中最大的值(文本数据类型中按字母顺序排在最后的值)。忽略NULL值
min(expr) 列中最小的值(文本数据类型中按字母顺序排在最前的值)。忽略NULL值
sum(expr) 列值的合计。该列只能包含数字数据,忽略NULL值



查询条件 谓词
比较 =, >, <, >=, <=, !>, !<, <>, !=
确定范围 between...and..., not between...and...
确定集合 in, not in
字符匹配 like, not like
空值 is null, is not null
多重条件 and, or




[not] like '<匹配串>' [escape '<换码字符>']



% : 代表任意长度的字符串

_ : 代表任意单个字符





select * from S



select SN 姓名, year(getdate())-AGE 出生年份 from S




select distinct SNO from SC
where SCORE < 60



select SN, DEPT, AGE from S
where AGE between 20 and 23



select SN, SNO, SEX from S
where SN like '李%'



select SN 姓名, DEPT 系名 from S
where SN like '_明%' and SEX = '男'




select SN 姓名, DEPT 系名 from S
where DEPT in ('信息','计算机')
order by DEPT asc, SN desc



select SNO 学号, CNO 课程号, SCORE 成绩 from SC
where CNO = 'C2' and SCORE is not null
order by SCORE desc




select count(*) 计算机系人数 from S
where DEPT = '计算机'



select count(*) 人数, avg(SCORE) 平均分, max(SCORE) 最高分 from C, SC
where CN = '微机原理' and C.CNO = SC.CNO



select SNO, CNO, SCORE from SC X
where SCORE > (select avg(Y.SCORE) from SC Y
               where Y.CNO = X.CNO)




select CNO 课程号, count (SNO) 人数 from SC
group by CNO



select SN, avg(SCORE) from S, SC
where S.SNO = SC.SNO
group by SN having count (*) > 2



select * from S
where SNO in (select SNO from SC
              group by SNO
              having count (CNO) > 2)



select CN from C, SC
where C.Cno = SC.Cno
group by CN having count(Sno) >= 4



select SN, avg(SCORE) 平均分, max(SCORE) 最高分
from S, SC
where S.SNO = SC.SNO
group by SN
order by SN desc





select S.SNO, SN, CN, SCORE
from SC, S, C
where S.SNO = SC.SNO and C.CNO = SC.CNO



select C.CNO, TN, count(SC.SNO) 选课人数
from T, TC, C, SC
where T.TNO = TC.TNO and C.CNO = TC.CNO and C.CNO = SC.CNO
group by C.CNO, TN




select X.TN 姓名, X.SAL 工资, Y.SAL 刘伟工资
from T X, T Y
where X.SAL > Y.SAL and Y.TN = '刘伟'



select SN, C1.CN, C2.CN
from C C1, C C2, SC SC1, SC SC2, S
where C1.CNO = SC1.CNO and C2.CNO = SC2.CNO and
      SC1.SNO = S.SNO and SC2.SNO = S.SNO and
      C1.CN = '程序设计' and C2.CN = '微机原理'



select SN, C1.CN, A.SCORE, C2.CN, B.SCORE
from SC A, SC B, S, C C1, C C2
where S.SNO = A.SNO and S.SNO = B.SNO and A.CNO = C1.CNO and B.CNO = C2.CNO and
      A.CNO = '01001' and B.CNO = '01002' and A.SCORE > B.SCORE




select S.SNO, SN, CN, SCORE from S
left outer join SC on S.SNO = SC.SNO
left outer join C on SC.CNO = C.CNO





select TNO, TN, PROF from T
where PROF = (select PROF from T where TN = '刘伟')




select TN from T
where TNO = any (select TNO from TC where CNO = 'C5')



select TN from T
where TNO in (select TNO from TC where CNO = 'C5')



select SN, CN, DEPT from C, S, SC
where C.CNO = SC.CNO and S.SNO = SC.SNO and
      C.CNO in (select CNO from SC, S
                where SC.SNO = S.SNO and SN = '张建国')


(4)使用NOT IN谓词查询查询所有未修01001号课程的学生名单。

select * from S
where SNO not in (select SNO from SC where CNO = '01001')



select TN, SAL, DEPT from T
where SAL > all (select SAL from T where DEPT = '计算机')



select SNO, SN, AGE from S
where AGE > all (select AGE from S
                 where DEPT = '信息')
order by AGE desc



select SNO, SN, DEPT from S X
where exists (select * from S Y
              where Y.SN = '张建国' and X.AGE = Y.AGE and X.SN <> '张建国')


(8)使用NOT EXISTS谓词查询没有讲授课程号为C5的课程的教师姓名,所在系。

select TN, DEPT from T
where not exists (select * from TC 
                  where TC.TNO = T.TNO and CNO = 'C5')


(9)使用NOT EXISTS谓词查询至少选修了学生02选修的全部课程的学生的学号。

select distinct SNO from SC SC1
where not exists (select * from SC SC2
                  where SC2.SNO = '02' and
                  not exists (select * from SC SC3
                              where SC3.SNO = SC1.SNO and SC3.SNO = SC2.SNO))

  (SQL Server-包含not exists 谓词的嵌套相关子查询)


(10)使用NOT EXISTS谓词查询所有学生都选修了的课程的课程号和课程名。

select CNO, CN from C
where not exists (select * from S
                  where not exists (select * from SC
                                    where SC.SNO = S.SNO and C.CNO = SC.CNO))


(11)使用NOT EXISTS谓词查询选修了991102号学生选修了的课程的学生的学号和姓名。

select SN, SNO from S
where not exists (select * from SC SC1
                  where SNO = '991102' and not exists (select * from SC SC2
                                                       where SC2.SNO = S.SNO and SC1.CNO = SC2.CNO))




select * from S where DEPT = '计算机'
select * from S where AGE <= 19



posted @ 2022-05-21 15:40  Khru  阅读(398)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报