Vulkan SDK 之 Graphics Pipeline
A graphics pipeline consists of shader stages, a pipeline layout, a render pass, and fixed-function pipeline stages.
Dynamic State
A dynamic pipeline state is a state that can be changed by a command buffer command during the execution of a command buffer. Advance notification of what states are dynamic during command buffer execution may be useful for a driver as it sets up the GPU for command buffer execution.
Pipeline Vertex Input State
Pipeline Vertex Input Assembly State
The input assembly state is basically where you declare how your vertices form the geometry you want to draw.
Pipeline Rasterization State
Pipeline Color Blend State
Pipeline Viewport State
Pipeline Depth Stencil State
Pipeline Multisample State
Pulling It All Together - Create Graphics Pipeline
VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo pipeline; pipeline.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_GRAPHICS_PIPELINE_CREATE_INFO; pipeline.pNext = NULL; pipeline.layout = info.pipeline_layout; pipeline.basePipelineHandle = VK_NULL_HANDLE; pipeline.basePipelineIndex = 0; pipeline.flags = 0; pipeline.pVertexInputState = &vi; pipeline.pInputAssemblyState = &ia; pipeline.pRasterizationState = &rs; pipeline.pColorBlendState = &cb; pipeline.pTessellationState = NULL; pipeline.pMultisampleState = &ms; pipeline.pDynamicState = &dynamicState; pipeline.pViewportState = &vp; pipeline.pDepthStencilState = &ds; pipeline.pStages = info.shaderStages; pipeline.stageCount = 2; pipeline.renderPass = info.render_pass; pipeline.subpass = 0; res = vkCreateGraphicsPipelines(info.device, NULL, 1, &pipeline, NULL, &info.pipeline);