TPicture.RegisterFileFormat(jpeg, sJPEGImageFile, TJPEGImage); TPicture.RegisterFileFormat(jpg, sJPEGImageFile, TJPEGImage); (sJPEGImageFile = JPEG Image File,见JConsts.pas)
var FileFormats: TFileFormatsList = nil; class procedure TPicture.RegisterFileFormat(const AExtension, ADescription: string; AGraphicClass: TGraphicClass); begin GetFileFormats.Add(AExtension, ADescription, 0, AGraphicClass); end; function GetFileFormats: TFileFormatsList; begin if FileFormats = nil then FileFormats := TFileFormatsList.Create; Result := FileFormats; end;
constructor TFileFormatsList.Create; begin inherited Create; Add(wmf, SVMetafiles, 0, TMetafile); Add(emf, SVEnhMetafiles, 0, TMetafile); Add(ico, SVIcons, 0, TIcon); Add(bmp, SVBitmaps, 0, TBitmap); end;
TXXXImage = class(TGraphic) protected procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect); override;//绘制图像到画布 public procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); override; //从流中获取图像数据 procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override; //将图像数据写入流中 end;
type TRASGraphic = class(TBitmap) public procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); override; procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override; end; //定义描述RAS文件头的记录类型 TRASHeader = packed record Magic, //标记 Width, //宽 Height, //高 Depth, //色深 Length, //图像数据长度,可能会等于0 RasType, //格式类型 MapType, //调色板类型 MapLength: Cardinal; //调色板数据长度 end; //定义一个用来描述RAS文件头的记录类型是非常必要的 const //定义代表RAS所有类型的常量 RT_OLD = 0; RT_STANDARD = 1; RT_BYTE_ENCODED = 2; RT_FORMAT_RGB = 3; RT_FORMAT_TIFF = 4; RT_FORMAT_IFF = 5; RT_EXPERIMENTAL = $FFFF; //定义代表调色板类型的常量 RMT_NONE = 0;//无调色板数据 RMT_EQUAL_RGB = 1; RMT_RAW = 2; {如果RAS的格式为RT_OLD,数据长度可能为0} function SwapLong(const Value: Cardinal): Cardinal; asm BSWAP EAX//调用字节交换指令 end; //抛出异常,参数为具体的异常信息 procedure RasError(const ErrorString: String); begin raise EInvalidGraphic.Create(ErrorString); end; {下面是实现部分的代码。} procedure TRASGraphic.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); var Header: TRASHeader; Row8: PByte; Row24: PRGBTriple; Row32: PRGBQuad; PMap: PByte; Y: Integer; I: Integer; MapReaded: Boolean; Pal: TMaxLogPalette; R,G,B:array[0..255] of Byte; ColorByte: Byte; begin with Stream do begin ReadBuffer(Header, SizeOf(Header)); //将文件头数据读取到记录Header中 with Header do begin Width := SwapLong(Width); Height := SwapLong(Height); Depth := SwapLong(Depth); Length := SwapLong(Length); RASType := SwapLong(RASType); MapType := SwapLong(MapType); MapLength := SwapLong(MapLength); end; //由于读取数据的顺序问题,这里需要调用上面的SwapLong改动顺序。 if (Header.Magic = $956AA659) and (Header.Width<>0) and (Header.Height<>0) and (Header.Depth in [1,8,24,32]) and (Header.RasType in [RT_OLD,RT_STANDARD,RT_BYTE_ENCODED,RT_FORMAT_RGB]) then begin Width := Header.Width; Height := Header.Height; MapReaded := False; case Header.Depth of 1:PixelFormat := pf1Bit; 8: begin PixelFormat := pf8Bit; case Header.MapType of RMT_NONE: begin Pal.palVersion:=$300; Pal.palNumEntries:=256; for I := 0 to 255 do begin Pal.palPalEntry[I].peRed:=I; Pal.palPalEntry[I].peGreen:=I; Pal.palPalEntry[I].peBlue:=I; Pal.palPalEntry[I].peFlags:=0; end; Palette := CreatePalette(PLogPalette(@Pal)^); //当图像色深为8位,而又不存在调色板信息时,创建一个8位的灰度调色板 end; RMT_EQUAL_RGB: begin if (Header.MapLength = 3*256) then begin Pal.palVersion:=$300; Pal.palNumEntries:=256; ReadBuffer(R,256); ReadBuffer(G,256); ReadBuffer(B,256); for I := 0 to 255 do begin Pal.palPalEntry[I].peRed:=R[I]; Pal.palPalEntry[I].peGreen:=G[I]; Pal.palPalEntry[I].peBlue:=B[I]; Pal.palPalEntry[I].peFlags:=0; end; Palette := CreatePalette(PLogPalette(@Pal)^); //读取文件中的调色板信息 //相关调色板操作的API请查询MSDN end else RasError(调色板长度错误!); MapReaded := True; end; RMT_RAW: begin RasError(不支持的文件格式!); end; end; end; 24:PixelFormat := pf24Bit; 32: begin PixelFormat := pf32Bit; // end; end; if (not MapReaded) and (Header.MapLength>0) then begin Position := Position + Header.MapLength; end; //如果调色板长度不为0,而又未正确读取相关信息时,跳过这一段数据 case Header.Depth of 8: begin if Header.RasType = RT_BYTE_ENCODED then begin //ENCODE //关于RLE压缩的编码解码请自行查阅资料 RasError(不支持压缩格式!); end else begin for Y := 0 to Height-1 do begin Row8:=ScanLine[Y]; ReadBuffer(Row8^,Width); if (Width mod 2)=1 then begin Position := Position + 1; end; end; end; end;{end of 8Bit} 24: begin case Header.RasType of RT_OLD, RT_STANDARD: begin for Y := 0 to Height-1 do begin Row24:=ScanLine[Y]; ReadBuffer(Row24^,Width*3); if (Width mod 2)=1 then begin Position := Position + 1; end; end; end; RT_BYTE_ENCODED: begin //ENCODE //关于RLE压缩的编码解码请自行查阅资料 RasError(不支持压缩格式!); end; RT_FORMAT_RGB: begin for Y := 0 to Height-1 do begin Row24:=ScanLine[Y]; ReadBuffer(Row24^,Width*3); for I := 0 to Width-1 do begin ColorByte := Row24^.rgbtRed; Row24^.rgbtRed := Row24^.rgbtBlue; Row24^.rgbtBlue := ColorByte; Inc(Row24); end; //当为RT_FORMAT_RGB格式时,按RGB获取数据,这里需要交换R和B的值 if (Width mod 2)=1 then begin Position := Position + 1; end; end; end;{end of RT_FORMAT_RGB} else RasError(不支持的文件格式!); end; end;{end of 24Bit} 32: begin case Header.RasType of RT_OLD, RT_STANDARD: begin for Y := 0 to Height-1 do begin Row32:=ScanLine[Y]; ReadBuffer(Row32^,Width*4); for I := 0 to Width-1 do begin ColorByte := Row32^.rgbReserved; Row32^.rgbReserved := Row32^.rgbBlue; Row32^.rgbBlue := Row32^.rgbGreen; Row32^.rgbGreen := Row32^.rgbRed; Row32^.rgbRed := ColorByte; Inc(Row32); end; //32位色时,需要调整读取后数据的顺序 end; end; RT_BYTE_ENCODED: begin //ENCODE //关于RLE压缩的编码解码请自行查阅资料 RasError(不支持压缩格式!); end; RT_FORMAT_RGB: begin For Y := 0 to Height-1 do begin Row32:=ScanLine[Y]; ReadBuffer(Row32^,Width*4); for I := 0 to Width-1 do begin ColorByte := Row32^.rgbBlue; Row32^.rgbBlue := Row32^.rgbReserved; Row32^.rgbReserved := ColorByte; ColorByte := Row32^.rgbGreen; Row32^.rgbGreen := Row32^.rgbRed; Row32^.rgbRed := ColorByte; Inc(Row32); end; //这里将顺序调整和R和B值的交换的代码进行了合并 end; end;{end of RT_FORMAT_RGB} else RasError(不支持的文件格式!); end;{end of 32Bit} end; else begin FreeImage; RasError(不支持的文件格式!); end; end; end else RasError(不支持的文件格式!); end;{end with} end; {上面的代码中多次出现如下代码: if (Width mod 2)=1 then begin Position := Position + 1; end;
if (Width mod 2) = 1 then begin FillByte:=0; Stream.Write(FillByte,1); end; procedure TRASGraphic.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); var Header: TRASHeader; Row8: PByte; Row24: PRGBTriple; Row32: PRGBQuad; FillByte: Byte; Y: Integer; I: Integer; Pal: TMaxLogPalette; R,G,B:array[0..255] of Byte; begin Header.Magic := $956AA659; Header.Width := SwapLong(Width); Header.Height := SwapLong(Height); Header.RasType := SwapLong(RT_STANDARD); if (PixelFormat = pf1bit) or (PixelFormat = pf4bit) then PixelFormat:=pf8bit else if (PixelFormat <> pf8bit) and (PixelFormat <> pf24bit) and (PixelFormat <> pf32bit) then PixelFormat:=pf24bit; case PixelFormat of pf8bit: begin Header.Length := SwapLong(Height*(Width+(Width mod 2))); Header.Depth := SwapLong(8); Header.MapType := SwapLong(RMT_EQUAL_RGB); Header.MapLength := SwapLong(3*256); Stream.WriteBuffer(Header,SizeOf(Header)); GetPaletteEntries(Palette, 0, 256, Pal.palPalEntry); for I := 0 to 255 do begin R[I]:=Pal.palPalEntry[I].peRed; G[I]:=Pal.palPalEntry[I].peGreen; B[I]:=Pal.palPalEntry[I].peBlue; end; //相关调色板操作的API请查询MSDN Stream.WriteBuffer(R,256); Stream.WriteBuffer(G,256); Stream.WriteBuffer(B,256); for Y := 0 to Height-1 do begin Row8 := ScanLine[Y]; Stream.WriteBuffer(Row8^,Width); if (Width mod 2) = 1 then begin FillByte:=0; Stream.Write(FillByte,1); end; end; end; pf32bit: begin Header.Length := SwapLong(Height*Width*4); Header.Depth := SwapLong(32); Header.MapType := SwapLong(RMT_NONE); Header.MapLength := 0; Stream.WriteBuffer(Header,SizeOf(Header)); for Y := 0 to Height-1 do begin Row32 := ScanLine[Y]; for I := 0 to Width-1 do begin Stream.WriteBuffer(Row32.rgbReserved,1); Stream.WriteBuffer(Row32^,3); Inc(Row32); end; end; end; else begin Header.Length := SwapLong(Height*Width*3); Header.Depth := SwapLong(24); Header.MapType := SwapLong(RMT_NONE); Header.MapLength := 0; Stream.WriteBuffer(Header,SizeOf(Header)); for Y := 0 to Height-1 do begin Row24 := ScanLine[Y]; Stream.WriteBuffer(Row24^,Width*3); if (Width mod 2) = 1 then begin FillByte:=0; Stream.Write(FillByte,1); end; end; end; end; //SaveToStream基本上就是LoadFromStream的逆过程。 end; initialization TPicture.RegisterFileFormat(RAS, Sun RAS, TRASGraphic); finalization TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TRASGraphic);