11 2016 档案
摘要:原文链接: "The Patch Verb in Web API 2 with JSON" 我想在.NET4.6 Web API 2 项目中使用Patch更新一个大对象中的某个字断,这才意识到我以前都没有用过Patch。这是一次难得的学习机会。 我不知道在Web API 2中最好的实现方式是什么,所
摘要:Text My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Last year,we were traveling across the Channel and
摘要:Text Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad. I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day. The airport was built years ago, but
摘要:Text Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fisherman are unlucky. Instead
摘要:Text 'The play may begin at any moment,' I said. 'It may have begun already,' Susan answered. I hurried to the ticket office. 'May I have two tickets
摘要:Text After I had had lunch at a village pub, I looked for my bag. I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn't there! As I looking for i
摘要:这篇草稿已经快发霉了,因为让人很难看懂,所以一直没有发布。今天厚着脸皮发布出来,希望得到大家的指正 一、背景介绍(Why) 在用DDD时,我们一般都会抽象出UnitOfWork类型来进行CRUD。 例如有如下领域模型: 现在我们要修改BlogPost模型,增加密码Password,删除所有关联的标签
摘要:上篇介绍了计算机的身体构造,但是把那几大块部件拼凑在一起,还不能称之为计算机,还得让它能够思考,今天我们来说说计算机是如何思考的。 人类之所以能够思考,是因为我们的身体中有无数的神经元组成的神奇的神经网络系统。当身体接受到信号并把它传递给神经网络系统,神经网络系统会根据个人的认知对其进行处理,并把处
摘要:这个世界上从来都没有出现过石破天惊的划时代的产物。计算机也从来都不是,如果要追溯到它的历史的话,那么写满10大本书也远远不够,它也是一小步一小步的走到今天。 我们见过各种各样的计算机,最常见PC(俗称电脑)、便携式笔记本电脑,用于重大项目的大型计算机、超级计算机,小时候我们用的学习机,银行的ATM,
摘要:Text My aunt Jennifer is an actress. She must be at least thirty five years old. In spit of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl. Jenn
摘要:Text If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. Howeve
摘要:Text The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. I felt very nervous when I went into his office. He did not look up from his desk when I
摘要:Text I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France. I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young
摘要:Text The Greenwood Boys are group of pop singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. They will be arriving here tomorrow. They wi
摘要:Text Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. We'll meet him at the harbour early in the morning. He will be in his
摘要:Text I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in. Tony worked in a layer's office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets
摘要:Text We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord. It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living room. It has b
摘要:Text On Wednesday evening, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year and a large crowed of people had gathered under the Town Hall clo
摘要:Text Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. Nearly everbody enters for 'The Nicest Garden Competition' each year, but Joe wins every t
摘要:Text The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. They were expecting a parcel of diamonds from South Africa. A few hour
摘要:Text I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. Yesterday a bagger knocked at my door. He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. In return for t
摘要:Text Mr.James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst. Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. S
摘要:Text I have just received a letter from my brother,Tim. He is in Australia. He has been there for six months. Tim is an engineer. He is working for a