Lesson 22 A glass envelope
My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Last year,we were traveling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name an address on it into a bottle. She throw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again, but ten months later, she received a letter from a girl of Holland. Both girls write to each other regularly now. However, they have decided to use the post office. Letters will cost a little more, but they will certainly travel (much) faster.
dream a dream.
have a good/sweet dream.
daydream: v.开小差
He is daydreaming.
I dream of being a master.
I dream of flying in the sky.
dream on: 继续做梦吧->做你的青天白日梦吧
dream boat: 梦中情人,梦寐以求的……
throw (threw,thrown): throw away 扔掉
of one's own age: 和……同岁的
She is the girl of my own age.
I have a bog with books in it.
each other: 相互 = one other 大多情况下可以互现。它们的区别就是强调的是两者之间,后者强调的是两者以上之间。
more: adj. pron.(代词)
a little: 可以修饰比较级的程度,译为“稍微,一点”。反义词much
Letters will cost a little more, but they will certainly travel much faster.
We can put of, from,in, or on after certain verbs:
| prep. | verbs |
| -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
| **of** | accuse | approve | assure | beware | boast (or about) | complain (or about) | consist | convince (or about) | cure | despair | dream (or about) | expect (or from) | hear (or from) | be/get rid | smell | suspect | think (or about) | tire(d) | warn (or against) |
| **from** | borrow | defend (or against) | demand (or of) | differ | dismiss | draw | emerge | escape | excuse (or for) | hinder | prevent | prohibit | protect (or against) | receive | separate | suffer |
| **in** | believe | delight | employ(ed) | encourage | engage(d) | experience(d) | fail | help (or with) | include | indulge | instruct | interest(ed) | invest | involve(d) | persist | share |
| **on** | act | base(d) | call | comment | concentrate | congratulate | consult (or about) | count | decide | depend | economize | embark | experiment | insist | lean (or against) | live | operate | perform (or in) | pride (oneself) | rely | vote (on a motion;*for* someone) | write (or about) |
【Key structures】
跟of, from, in和on的动词
- accuse of(控告)
We accused him of having neglected his duty. 我们指责他玩忽职守。
He was accused of corruption. 他被控告犯有贪污罪。
- approve of(赞成)
The boss wouldn't approve of the plan. 老板不会赞成这个计划。
Mother didn't approve of John. 母亲不喜欢约翰。
- assure of(让……放心)
We assured him of our support. 我们向他保证一定帮忙。
I can assure you of the reliability of the information. 我可以向你保证这消息是可靠的。
- beware of(谨防)
Beware of pickpockets. 谨防扒手。
Beware of fire. 当心火烛。
- boast of/about(夸耀)
to boast of one's achievement 夸耀自己的成就
to be able to boast of good health 能以健康而自豪
to boast about one's success 吹嘘自己的成功
to boast about one's own country 夸耀自己的国家
- complain of/about(埋怨)
We have nothing to complain of. 我们没有什么可发牢骚的。
Do you complain of these symptoms more at night? 你是否在晚上时对这些症状抱怨得更多?
- consist of(由……组成)
So what should a real interview consist of? 那么,一场真正的面试包括什么呢?
As mentioned above, our bank will consist of only one table. 像上面所提及的,我们的银行仅仅包含一张表。
- convince of/about(使信服)
I convince of no one can take the place of you in my life . 我坚信在我的生命里,没有任何人可以代替你的位置。
We need to convince them of the benefits. 我们需要让他们确信是有好处的。
- cure of(治愈)
Having a Good Laugh – Laughter is the greatest cure of all. 尽情大笑——笑是治疗一切的良药。
- despair of(丧失……希望)
Never despair of success. 切勿对成功丧失信心。
The child despaired of being rescued. 那小孩丧失了获救的信心。
- dream of/about(幻想)
I dreamt of her last night. 昨晚我梦见她了。
I should never dream of doing such a thing. 我从未想到去干这样的事。
When I was young I dreamed of becoming a scientist. 我年轻时渴望成为一名科学家。
- expect of/from(期望)
What do you expect of your future? 你对你自己的未来有什么期望?
Don't forget what Chinese fans expect of you. We trust you. 别忘了遥远的中国球迷对你的期盼,我相信你。
Don’t expect too much of your child.
- hear of/from(听到……消息)
We were all pained to hear of his death. 听到他的死讯,我们都很痛苦。
- be/get rid of(摆脱)
How could we get rid of our car? 怎样才能摆脱我们的汽车呢?
- smell of(闻到)
This pan smells of fish. 这个盘子有股鱼腥味。
His offer smelt of a clear trap. 他的提议明显是一个圈套。
- suspect of(对……猜疑)
Who did the man suspect of stealing his axe? 这个人怀疑谁偷了他的斧子?
- think of/about(思考)
“What are you thinking of?”“I'm thinking of a way to help her.” “你在想什么?”“我在想一个帮助她的办法。”
I can't think of the word for “love” in French. 我想不起法语的“爱”是怎么说的了。
- tired of(对……感到厌烦)
I have tired of these computer games. 我已经对这些电脑游戏感到厌烦。
- warn of/against(警告……有危险)
Someone must warm him of the difficulties.
He must have spoken of the matter to John.
- borrow from(从……借)
I borrowed $10 from Jack yesterday.
- defend from/against (保护……使免于)
She defended herself from the attack.她保护自己以免遭受袭击。
The law defends people from injustice.法律保护人民的正当权益不受侵犯。
- demand from/of(向……要求)
The teacher demand an explanation from the student. 老师要求那位学生作出解释。
- differ from(有别于)
That arrangement differs from the one I had in mind.那种安排同我原先所想的不同。
- dismiss from(解雇)
She was late again and was dismissed from her job.她又迟到了,她被解雇了。
- draw from(从……中得出)
The truth was drawn from her by degrees.她逐渐吐露真情。
to draw water from a well 从井中打水
to draw money from an account 提取存款
- emerge from(从……出现)
A ragged man emerged from behind the tree.一个衣衫褴褛的男人从树后面走出来。
- escape from(从……逃出)
to escape from prison 越狱,从监狱中逃脱
- excuse from/for(允许不……)
He was excused from drill. 他获准不必参加操练。
- hinder from(阻止)
I was hinder from getting here earlier. 我因受阻未能早些到达这里。
- prevent from(妨碍)
He was prevented from attending meeting.
- prohibit from(不准许)
Strictly prohibit from touching items on display and photographing. 严禁触摸展品,展厅内严禁拍照。
- protect from/against(向……提抗议)
The layers of cloth not only protect from the harsh sun and wind but also conceal their emotions. 这些层叠的布不仅能保护他们免受强烈的阳光和风的侵袭,也掩盖了他们的情绪。
- receive from(接到)
I continue to receive from the universe everything my heart desires. 我继续从宇宙收到我渴望得到的每样东西。
He has already received money from three aunts.
- separate from(把……分开)
My studio is on the lowest level of the building, separate from the flat, quiet and right off the garden. 我的工作室在和公寓是分开的,在这栋楼的底楼,很安静,离花园很近。
- suffer from(受难)
How long have you been suffering from a headache? 你头痛有多久了?
Your son suffers from your excessive shielding. 你的过分袒护,反而害了你的儿子。
- believe in(信仰)
believe in religion 信仰宗教
I don't believe in everything the Bible says. 我不相信《圣经》中的每一句话。
- delight in(喜欢)
We delight in the beauties of nature. 我们喜爱自然之美景。
She delights in playing jokes on her friends. 她喜欢跟朋友们开玩笑。
She delights in working hard. 她喜欢努力工作。
- employ(ed) in (从事)
She was employed in a bank. 她在一家银行任职。
She employed her great gifts in her work. 她把她的才华用于工作。
- encourage in(鼓励)
encourage a student in his studies 鼓励学生学习
- engage(d) in(正做)
I don't engage myself in such affairs. 我不参与这种事情。
engaged in business 忙于工作
- experience(d) in(在……有经验)
Have you had experience in mocking up a page? 你有编排版面大样的经验吗?
- fail in(没有尽到)
The chairman failed in trying to persuade the committee to share his opinion. 主席没有能说服委员会同意他的观点。
He failed in arithmetic. 他算术没有及格。
He failed in his French test.
help in/with(帮助)
include in(包括)
include gas bill in the rent 把煤气费计入房租
- indulge in(沉醉)
He indulges in reminiscences of his youth. 他完全沉溺于对青年时代的回忆中。
- instruct in(教导)
He instructed his students in history. 他向学生教授历史。
- interest(ed) in(对……感兴趣)
I want to interest you in our new project. 他想让你热心于我们的新项目。
Can I interest you in this question? 我可以请你注意一下这个问题吗?
- invest in(投资)
invest one's money in the business 将某人的钱投资于办企业
I'm thinking of investing in a new house. 我正打算买座新房子。[口]
- involved in(卷入)
He turned them in to the police for being involved in the riot. 他向警方告发他们卷入了暴乱。
- persist in(坚持)
If you persist in doing that you will end up in trouble. 你要坚持做那件事的话,将来麻烦可多着呢。
- share in(分享)
share in one's joys 分享他人的快乐
act on(遵守)
based on(在……基础上)
The whole plan is based on merely his own supposition. 整个计划只是建立在他的主观臆断上。
- call on(拜访)
Last Sunday I called on my grandmother.
- comment on(评论)
We do not comment on national economics. 我们对国民经济不做评论。
- concentrate on(集中于)
Student should concentrate on studying.
- congratulate on(祝贺)
I come here to congratulate on your promotion. 我来这儿是来祝贺您升职的。
- consult on/about(商量)
He was hired to consult on special issues in the case. 他被雇来为这件案子的特殊问题提供咨询。
- count on(依赖)
We are counting on your cooperation. 我们在期待着你的合作。
- decide on(决定)
She has decided on art as a career. 她决定选择艺术为职业。
I've decided on going there. 我已经决定到那儿去。
He finally decided on going home. 他最后决定回家。
- depend on(依靠)
My wife and daughter depend on me for their living.我妻子女儿靠我生活。
- economize on(节约)
We'd rather economize on clothes than food. 我们宁愿节衣不愿缩食。
- embark on(从事)
He has already embarked on his new dictionary. 他已开始编他的新词典。
- experiment on(尝试)
experiment on (或 upon) frogs (或guinea pigs, rabbits ) 在青蛙(或豚鼠、兔子)身上做实验
- insist on(坚持)
If you insist on doing something,do it everyday. 如果你希望坚持做某件事,那就坚持每天做。
- lean on/against(倚靠于……)
She always leans on her parents for help when she is in difficulties. 她手头拮据时总是靠父母帮助。
- live on(靠……为生)
He still lived on his parents after graduation.
operate on(起作用)
perform on/in(扮演)
pride(oneself) on(为……感到自豪)
rely on(依靠)
vote on a motion/for someone(对……表决(投……的票))
write on/about(写……的事)
I think he wrote on the cost of living. 我想他写的是关于生活费用方面的。
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