MFC的CDialogBar和Rollup Control


2. CMainFrame的头文件里添加CDialogBar m_wndDlgBar;

3. CMainFrame的实现文件里:

int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)函数里面添加:

BOOL bRet = m_wndDlgBar.Create(this, IDD_DIALOG1, WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILD|CBRS_LEFT, 1);



Rollup Control的来源:

  1. RUNTIME_CLASS method

    Create a dialog box in the resource editor 'ex. IDD_PAGE1' with the WS_CHILD style. Generate the declaration and implementation files class (ex. CPage1Dlg) of your dialog box with the assistance of the MFC Classwizard. Then add DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CPage1Dlg) in the declaration of the class andIMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CPage1Dlg, CDialog) in the implementation.

    Then insert the page in this way pwndRollupCtrl->InsertPage("Caption", IDD_PAGE1, RUNTIME_CLASS(CPage1Dlg) );

  2. CDialog::Create method

    As RUNTIME_CLASS method, create a dialog box in the resource editor. Generate the declaration and implementation files class of your dialog box. Then create the dialog box like this

    CPage1Dlg* pwndPage1 = new CPage1Dlg;
    pwndPage1->Create(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PAGE1), pwndRollupCtrl);

    and insert the page as follows

    pwndRollupCtrl->InsertPage("Caption", pwndPage1 );


    改动在MainFrame.h MainFrame.cpp


posted @ 2012-03-02 15:17  小 楼 一 夜 听 春 雨  阅读(703)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报