Computer Tip: Ok, Cancel, Apply

ust a quick tip for when you’re working with a Windows based computer. If you have an open dialog box for changing settings/options/whatever you will often see three buttons at the bottom: Ok, Cancel, and Apply. Here are the explanations for what each button does.

Ok – saves all settings as modified and closes the dialog box

Cancel – discards all changes to settings and closes the dialog box

Apply – saves all settings as modified and leaves the dialog box open

Therefore, there is no reason to click Apply then immediately click Ok. Just the Ok button will suffice. Clicking Apply then Cancel is equivalent to Ok. Clicking Cancel will only discard the changes that were made since either the dialog box was opened or Apply was last clicked, whichever is most recent.

I know this is simple, but it is potentially helpful.

posted @ 2010-06-29 09:38  kevinzhwl  阅读(209)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报