1, control the scheduleIf don't know how to control the schedule, the manager will fail. Typically, for a small company, they have no enough resource to wait. If the project failed, the first person t... 阅读全文
汇编总结 CLD Clear the direction flag (set to forward direction) 将方向标志置0,使si和di增量,串处理从低地址向高地址处理 8088 汇编速查手册 一、数据传输指令 ─────────────────────────────────────── 它们在存贮器和寄存器、寄存器和输入输出端口之间传送数据. 1. 通... 阅读全文
在C#2.0中是不能从非创建本窗口的线程中改变本窗口的控件。达到这一目的的方法如下: Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/--> 1 2 public class MyForm : Form 3 { 4 public void On... 阅读全文
Find what vary and encapsulate it. Favor composition over inheritance. Open-Closed Principle原则讲的是:一个软件实体应当对扩展开放,对修改关闭。 Liskov Substitution Principle... 阅读全文